So now, from Christ to Socrates and from Socrates to Me, we can - TopicsExpress


So now, from Christ to Socrates and from Socrates to Me, we can say this way that we are talking about it, though Socrates came in the year – how much B.C. He was? (SAHAJA YOGI ANSWERS: “About 500 years before Christ”) Shri Mataji: 500 before Christ; so might be that Christ must have felt that Socrates, He talked so openly, so nicely to people as because He was Primordial Master. He realized it, so He talked in parables. He thought that, “No use talking straight like Socrates” because… you see they are very straightforward people; the Primordial Masters have to be very, very… they are by nature extremely straightforward. Even today’s… those who were real gurus, they would not accept any person, they would throw away, they would beat people. Even musicians in India, those who are great masters, they would beat their disciples if they played something wrong; like very harsh people. So it was all right for Socrates also to tell things very plain and simple and all that, but still He was killed. And then Christ, who was 500 years later came. See, He saw the point that no use talking – because He came at Agnya – talking in that way. If you tell somebody, “Don’t do like this”, even reason it out like Socrates did, He is the master of logic, you can call Him; the whole logic system comes from Him, He’s a master of logic. But despite that, it did not appeal to the logic of the people who were at the helm of affairs. So they have no logic in their heads, you see, they are just rationalist. Rationality is blindness but there’s no logic. So because there is no logic they killed Him. And Christ understood that there is no logic with these people so better talk to them in parables. So He talked to them in parables, but still they killed Him. [ Helm! ] The authorities, they couldn’t bear, they thought He’s becoming very powerful, or whatever it was. The Jews themselves were very funny, and they did it. So in Sahaja Yoga, what I decided that at least I should give Realization to people first, and then I can talk to them whatever I like. Now, I’m talking to you everything and you are understanding it because you are Realized souls, but I cannot talk this to an ordinary person. So we have two types of people: one who are Sahaja Yogis, and one who are not. Of course there are some Sahaja Yogis who are not very worthy of this, I agree, and they may just go back or something, but you can become worthy of understanding all this knowledge because your Kundalini can make you so capable and your Sahasrara so good that you can absorb what I’m saying, and can logically see what I’m saying is true, and you can also verify it, whether it is true or not. So this stage of yours, I think, is the highest stage of awareness where collectively you are understanding Me. The situation is not so bad as that was even at the time of Christ. Before that, at Socrates’ time, I think, He was the only wise man going around. There was nobody else, seems to Me, had any wisdom. Even His disciples, you see, like Plato – he went off his head, then Aristotle went off his head. Both of them, really, tried to have their own arbitrary additions which were all absolutely. But He talked absolutely… Socrates talked absolutely about gods and everything, and talked so openly. Then, in the same way, we can say, the Primordial Master state is that we have Mohammad Sahib. He was also killed; He was also killed because He told the truth. Then came Nanaka; He was not killed but nobody bothered about Him, and the people who really follow Him are just in the opposite direction. Supposing He was saying, “Come this way”; so they are going in that way. You find even same thing with Christ; if Christ said, “Come this way” the Christians are going that way. Every religion is just the same. Same with Krishna’s Gita. Those who preach Gita are just… if Krishna is standing here and saying, “Come this way” Gita is saying, they are preaching Gita going down, taking people down. So it is common with all religions that they have always used the name of prophets and of all the Incarnations just to make money and to take everybody to hell; straightforward march to hell, you see. So, now those who are alert about it, and those who have seen that this is all nonsense, are in Sahaja Yoga, and sahaja yogis can’t do that because they have come quite a long way now on this side, so they are going to pull out many others to that side instead of going themselves down.Shri Pallas Athena Puja Greece1989....
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:51:37 +0000

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