So often we wonder if God answers prayer and if he really does - TopicsExpress


So often we wonder if God answers prayer and if he really does work in our everyday lives. I am going to share a story with you and then you tell me. I was right down to the final hour in which I had to make a decision on whether to change jobs or not. My wife and I were totally 50/50, didnt know what to do. I had been praying for direction. I am standing outside of a construction site where I am working and a semi- truck pulls up and stops right in front of me. Driving is a man I used to deal with everyday at a previous job and I havent seen him in a year. We have a short chat and I ask if he happens to ever make stops in the town I will be working. Without any prompting he says he stops at one place in that town and starts telling me how great the business and people are at this place. I ask him the name and location of the business and its where I was thinking of going to work. I called and accepted the job. Being a human and prone to dought, the next day I start to wonder if I made the right decision being as that the job I accepted the day before pays less than I am making in my present job. All day long I am wondering if I should reconsider my decision and stay in my present job for the money no matter how much I dislike working here. My cell phone rings and I am told that the new company has reviewed my resume and interview notes again and would like to give me a higher starting wage and 10% raise after 90 days. Are you kidding me? Have you ever herd of anyone getting a raise before they even started a new job? So does God answer prayer and work in our everyday lives? You tell me.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:30:33 +0000

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