So our kids are aged 7,2,1,and 3 months... Certainly make sense to - TopicsExpress


So our kids are aged 7,2,1,and 3 months... Certainly make sense to send a mother to jail simple because she didnt set up the double pram in the middle of a busy petrol station, attach the bassinet, wake the baby up, clip it in, strap in the 1 year old as well, leave the pram unattended around moving traffic while you get your two year old out of the car who is having a tantrum and attempting to run across the road to that puppy in the back of someones ute, In the mean time your begging your 7 year old to put down his DS and get out of the car on his own because if you let you two year olds hand go, she will run, the pram will roll away, but shit... his buckles stuck and he cant figure out how to fold back the seat to get out! So you would then have to put the two year old back in the car, while you then undo your 7 year olds seatbelt and fold down the seat to let him out. You then beg that 7 year old to stay still and dont move because now you have to get out the two year old again. Is your 7 year old then mature enough to walk past the bloke honking and hurling abuse at you because your taking forever, to get your wallet that you left on your front seat. Wow... then you would all hold hands, steering the pram with one.. dragging a two year old with the other and making sure the 7 year old is holding on to the pram while you walk into pay. Stop there. No. Lets not forget you would have to stop traffic in the middle of the road because the two year old has thrown them self to the floor kicking and refusing to get up. The P Plater who is too cool for school who is driving way to fast to think there might be a mum dumb enough to get her kids out of the car at a busy petrol station, theres a bloke who has over shot his stop and is reversing his trailor back to the bowser who wont be able to see a child behind him, the average joe is driving away chowing down there Mars Bar and doging cars pulling out as it is, while most of us think in our minds were good at driving while unwrapping that hamburger... but reality might be different and when you finally get back to your car someone has packed behind you to close that you cant open the boot.... mmm Im thinking any Mother is starting to think Jail is probably not such a bad place.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:22:55 +0000

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