So people wanted to hear how my doubleheader of movies was today. - TopicsExpress


So people wanted to hear how my doubleheader of movies was today. I saw Lucy first, then The Giver. I actually enjoyed both of them. Lucy is the story (and with how short and fast is was, Id almost rather use the term vignette) of the titular character who gets kidnapped within the first minutes of the film by the gang of a Taiwanese drug kingpin and forced to act as a mule for a new drug (they cut open her abdomen and sew the pouch inside her). When the pouch invariably bursts, it is revealed that the drug boosts her cerebral capacity, enabling her to eventually use all 100% of her brain, rather than the 10-15% humans currently can access. I thought the cinematography was engaging and that the writer/director did a very intriguing take on a major what if in neuroscience. Id actually like to watch it again to see what I missed the first time. The Giver was based on the book by Lois Lowry. In this film, the main character, Jonas, becomes a dystopian citys Recorder of Memory-in-training, the only person who can remember what humankind was like prior to the purging of memories, both bad and good, from the collective societal consciousness - done to build a Utopia through medication and an unbreakable system of laws. Jonas eventually realizes certain truths about this purge and comes to the conclusion that memories are better shared and lived. I thought that the film did a good job of adapting from the book, one that I had to read as an elementary schoolchild. I cant remember much of the details of the book, as its been years since I last read it, but I do think that the film may have modernized the story a little with an underlying teenage romance embedded into the story to make it appeal to the 2014 teenage audience. Despite this obvious ploy to a younger generation (who really should learn to love the book for what it is and not need faux-romantic trickery to enjoy the story), I think it was well done, and it kept me engaged for the fill 90+ minutes. As I often say about movies, I dont feel bad having spent $7.00 on it, but I dont think I would spend another $7 on it. There you have it. My take on todays movies for Chantelle Kraft and Amber Cruea and anyone else who was interested!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:49:20 +0000

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