So, pretty big day for me. As some of you know, two Memorial days - TopicsExpress


So, pretty big day for me. As some of you know, two Memorial days ago, I quit smoking and went to the vaporizers. That went really well until several months ago that I got a chest cold. The problem was that I didnt have a true exit strategy. I ended up smoking cigarettes again. For those that never smoked, cigarette smoke puts the cilia in the lungs asleep, which is one of the reasons its so dangerous. The cilia is what works to clear the lungs of all the crap we breath in daily that shouldnt stay. Well, after I got better, I still needed to quit smoking. I have tried EVERYTHING you can think of, over the years. This time, I still went with the vaporizer, but this time I had a strategy. I went and bought four vials of each strength of liquid. 32mg through 0mg in 6mg steps. Unlike most plans, there was no quit date. I labeled each vial, 1 to 24. Today I emptied number 20, the last of the vials that actually have any nicotine. If you know anyone who has had a very difficult time quitting, I highly recommend this method. Quitting smoking has two very distinct facets to it. One is getting over an addiction and the other is changing a habit. After thirty plus years, that habit is ingrained like you cant imagine. Using a vaporizer immediately starts to address the habit. The step down in strength of the vials addresses the addiction. I had a day or two between the 24mg and 18mg that was a little difficult, but that was it. If I had faltered, I wouldve just gone back to the 24 for one or two vials. While I have 4 of the 0mg, Im guessing I wont use all of them. The benefits I saw within the first week and month of not smoking actual cigarettes was mind blowing. I wont list them here, but it is truly life changing. I have had to deal with added depression caused from the withdrawal, but that will go away, or lessen with time. I cant wait to buy the new tools that Ive already started saving for with the money I no longer burn.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:46:08 +0000

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