So several podcasts have united in happenstance to start by brain - TopicsExpress


So several podcasts have united in happenstance to start by brain swirling about Time. First, there simply is no grand clock, no overarching or root Time. Time, as we experience it is a human construct. Our ancestors had no concept of minutes or hours. Time is subjective and personal. We live with the illusion that our perceptions are the illusion. We all exists on our own timelines. At normal speeds and gravities, your timeline and mine are essentially the same, but not quite. Im sure you have heard about the twins paradox- one twin stays here on earth, and the other zips off on a very fast space ship. When the explorer returns, she finds that her time line has diverged from her sisters and the earth bound twin is older. Experimental science has proven it Here is the new piece that should have hit me, but did not until I was told. Mass also effects your time line. We are talking about the space/ time continuum. Mass, and the gravity it creates, warps time. We now have clocks that can detect the difference. A clock in the depths of the ocean is closer to Earths center of gravity than one on the mountain heights, and runs on a different timeline. Let that soak in- altitude changes time. The lying down you, has a slower time line than the standing up you. Time swirls in my head.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:09:34 +0000

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