So so sad for the loss of Robin Williams. Depression is a very - TopicsExpress


So so sad for the loss of Robin Williams. Depression is a very horrible, very real thing. Personally, I struggle with it on a daily basis and so do others close to me. I have seen it completely consume people, and have felt helpless- even guilty for thinking i should have tried harder. Identifying it and admiting to it are the hardest steps. I believe that every person has their own demons- some peoples demons are much stronger than other peoples and some people are able to fight them or even evade them more efficiently than others. We never know what the person next to us is going through, we may consider their problems are a breeze or no big deal, but to them they might be maddening. Everyone is different. Whether it is depression, addiciton, anxiety or a combination of everything, we are all effected by demons everyday- whether ours or someone elses. Bottom line people, if you are struggling or see someone struggling, do something. Ask for help! Or be the help someone is seeking, whether they want to admit it or not. Something as small as a smile, or kind word can go a long way. We truly do not know what those around us are battling. Be Kind. 💕 R.I.P Robin Williams. You will be missed.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:07:37 +0000

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