So the U.S. Bombed Syria today, a sovereign nation. Their excuse - TopicsExpress


So the U.S. Bombed Syria today, a sovereign nation. Their excuse is that ISIS is a threat to the world. The Irony in this is ISIS is the same Islamic organization that the US funded and trained in Jordan to overthrow the Syrian Government. Their original name was FSA( Free Syria Army). Whos to say that the U.S. is even bombing ISIS, their creation? Are we really suppose to believe that is the case without a second thought? Do keep Im mind that they( US) has refused to work with collaborate with the Syrian Government to defeat ISIS. How do we know that the US is not bombing Syrian military infrastructure put in place to protect their country in an attempt to make the country more vulnerable? Can we be 100% sure that the US is not also trying to provoke Assad to fire at their invading jets so that they can have more of an excuse to overthrow the Syrian Government and install their puppet? After all, Obama warned the Syrian Government that if he dared try to shoot down the US jets that invades his country the US will overthrow him. Can you image? Na the same US that said the Russia should not sent its troops into Ukraine that Ukraine is a SOVEREIGN nation. Lets not be cowed here the US is using ISIS as ground troops to overthrow the Legitimate Government of Syria and they are using their Jets as air support. Not to mention it is on record that the US ally Israel have been allowing ISIS to set up and attack the Syrian Government from Golan Heights in Israel. The US will do anything to dominate the world. For the Christian and Muslim religious bigots I guess you should now realize which country is the anti-Christ/Dajjal that is set out to dominate the world and force a one government system on the us as releaved in the Bible and Islamic texts.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:23:05 +0000

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