So the healing is going painfully slow. Had a follow-up visit - TopicsExpress


So the healing is going painfully slow. Had a follow-up visit with my family doctor yesterday morning, and he re-affirmed that its just going to take time and pain management to get through this. I hate feeling like a zombie all the time from the meds, so I tried tapering the dose a bit, but the pain caught up and overtook me a bit, so back to zombie-land it is for awhile more yet. Ive taken a couple quick trips, as a passenger, not driving, to the bank and feed store and super-quick grocery trips, and came home feeling exhausted and totally wiped-out. Im starting to get just a little impatient and annoyed with this whole situation already. While at the doctor yesterday, my dr. had the ER/hospital reports sent over to him, and as he was reviewing it, the look on his face was quite entertaining. Partly pity for me, and partly flabbergasted at how much damage was done all at one time. I told him about the popping feeling with resulting pain and aftermath on the lower right side that occurred Saturday morning, and as he read the report, he told me that it did state that there was a non-displaced fracture of the 3rd rib on the right side, and that popping and pain I felt was probably it going ahead and displacing then. So that officially brings the total to 7, displaced rib fractures. Yaay me. I try to alternate sitting on the couch and then going outside and sitting in a chair in the shade for a while. Even in the midst of all the discomfort, for a few brief moments I can find a little relief and comfort in the company of my animals. I place my chair in the shade in the back yard, and all week the weather has been very agreeable, low humidity with a nice breeze. The horses are right there munching on hay, and the chickens are milling around, doing their chicken thing, and of course Bear is right there, less than an arms length away. After my trip to the dr. in Little Rock, lunch and a quick trip to the store on the way home, I was wiped, so I decided to sit outside for a while and hopefully nap. I was totally zoning in the chair, I happened to just open my eyes and take in my surroundings. The two ponies were standing by the fence as close as they could get to my position, dozing with sleepy eyes and cocked legs, and there were at least 5 or 6 chickens positioned around my chair, laying down in the grass and sleeping, in broad daylight. To my right was one Polish and a Dominique, and the Dominique even had her head tucked into her wing. At my feet was one of my black Australorps, George, just snuggled into the grass, literally inches from my feet. I peered over my lap down at her, and she simply opened her eyes, tilted her head up at me for a moment, then closed her eyes and settled again, as if to say, Its cool Boss, were here for ya. I cant ever remember when the chickens have laid down next to my chair during the day while I was sitting out there. Usually they come close for treats and when the treat bag runs dry they spread out and look elsewhere. It was just a sweet moment with my little birdies.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:29:50 +0000

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