So the medical system and all the fape coporations partnerships - TopicsExpress


So the medical system and all the fape coporations partnerships decide that everyone with a disability would be considered to have a pre existing criminal juvenile histories created all medical mental PD PAL the state bar association works for the employees all those level two care providers that voted that I would be considered to be a criminal for being raped and for the CVIDS a low rare incident health disability exchanged with mental behave labels for the fape to prosecute me presecute me to put me onto the states employees economic profiling hate crimes to make me guilty of the crimes they invented to say not a vet not a civilian not any thing but to call me the it to punish me for CVIDs for the fape school district corporations pubic childrens mental to say I deserved what the all did all due to the CVIDs for all sectors including the VA to attack me for a disability that kills the ones with so CPS with the entire county corporations employees that only care about themselves to condemn me the veteran women to be considered the it. The medical retardation of zero value for the employees of that HMO the fape to steal my name ,sign, identity to put me onto all sectors employees made trials to condemn me to say I am bad for serving this country as to why the would not tell me what I have to hid the CVIDS as pre existing to say I am bad to serve this country as they say the vets deserve what they get to route me to say I deserved to die to do this to my kids too. All those employees who got paychecks pensions and a profits to say that I am a drug addict criminal mental and developemental to do this formulary to say I said I would die for this country go ahead and die this again said to me its the standard operational practice of the corporations that took over education choice to make me the veteran women said to be the pre existing you just sed ec crazy without rights instead to even use mental labels via that IEP to label my entire family as the catch 22 CPS they did the corporations trials with their hired employees to help make money for the employees who said I was of zero value all they care about is them selves to be the police instead of employees as they get paid I get to live in poverty to report those rapes to use this against me too. To be hated by them all to even report this to the real police and they came and warned me prior than they came to beat me up they decided that I am to pay with everything and my family too. My entire family subjected to the fape corporations economic profiling hate crimes of all time lines to use the fape corporation for the employees and the rest like me well I get to lose everything to be threatened by them all. For CPS employees to corupt the court house process to take every right that I ever have had to say how they would sue me and what they would all do to me dying was not bad enough they had to do a hate crimes to even use age against to be the one everyone could hate to route the cvids as hidden as they said while they attack me all those vigilante police even the state bar with that PAL that students hand book this the rules that they all decided they could all do to the ones like me the catch 22 its time that they step up and be held accountable they could not make it equal of fair so they in fact decided they would expidite my death and decline they will do this to my family because they made us different they said they can all do whatever they want to do because they are the police so the police did not report a crimes they did this too so how are they gonna fix or is it to still be done and hidden just like you all pre planned to hid my death someone out there must care but this the real agenda they decided if no value that you are valueless and must die for them too.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 21:11:43 +0000

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