So the past few days have been very difficult for me to process, I - TopicsExpress


So the past few days have been very difficult for me to process, I was actually going to say a few words yesterday before my parents and I shared a song, but i was afraid. Brittany was one of my favorite best friends that I have ever had, and I have had quite a few over my years in life, ya know since life changes a lot. We became friends while working at maynards together, I had thought she was so hilarious, so people looked at us weird all the time, that might have been my fault since I am a loud laugh-er all unnecessary. She eventually was no longer my friend, she was my sister and I swear she could have just been living with us since we did everything together. She had came with me to my parents band shows which at the time took for granted because I sure miss that. I had found it irritating sometimes because shed come over while my parents would be practicing music in the living room and she would always want to stop and listen and sing a long. If you know Brittany well, you know the girl knew basically every song ever made, and also she had a very beautiful voice. She had seemed to be very shy but at the time wanted to sing like all the time. She had brought herself to sing a solo piece for solo and ensemble which I thought was amazing, I can hear her singing it now.. and not going to lie every time we did get to spend time together later on in the years, we would dramatically sing the piece. She was a person whom I had felt very close to, which I havent had many in my life who had come close to hearing the things I have told her, but I know its because she was special . Over the years we became different people, hence life and its changes, but we did cross paths a lot more than i have with my other past-friendships so it was never uncomfortably awkward which really is usually myyyy fault lol. BUT! Brittany or Bnel (which fun fact, she had created herself since there was so many other brittanys around at the time, btw MY name is Brittany as well.. she later tried to change it and wanted to be called something different, but Bnel stuck so her wish wasnt granted, Sorry Bnel) I love her very much and am going to miss her. I truly am grieving really hard, I feel like our memories are only able to be remembered by me, and that feels so lonely, since we had made a lot.. Seeing her concert tickets she had saved made my heart sink, I dont think I have ever known anyone as excited for live music as she was. She had told my father not too long ago, before he walked into his office she stopped him and said Ted!... I really miss us all being together and smiled and continued on. Its true that she was my friend, a best friend, my family, my sister.. and I will never forget what she means to me. We had learned this song the day of her visitation and I will forever remember her in every word, It was special to me that my parents and I got together to learn and play this for her, it was truly something that we did this and did get to all be together one last time. I love you Brittany Marie Nelson..
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:38:02 +0000

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