So this weekend my dad was pretty much under sedation and no - TopicsExpress


So this weekend my dad was pretty much under sedation and no changes...I figured no need to update. The did try to take him off it for a couple hours and although it was nice to see him moving around and trying to escape out of the bed it seemed like,it was also dangerous with all his injuries and he looked to be in an extreme amount of pain. So they put him back under sedation and let him rest which seemed to do him good while much of the swelling from the jaw surgery went down. He was scheduled to go into surgery tomorrow morning to fix the heel that was badly mangled and also the wounds on his shins to perform the skin graphs. Today they actually had to give him a couple units of blood because his hemoglobin level was low again and afterward that brought his levels back up to normal. Also unfortunately today he had a fever, which at this point is very scary because that is a sign of the beginning of infection. They have him on antibiotics and fought all day to bring down his temperature, which early afternoon got up to 103 degrees and had him warm all day. By the time I left tonight it had gone down to around 100 degrees but still was warm and hopefully tonight it will drop down back to normal. Its looking like because of the fever they will not perform the surgery tomorrow and more like Wednesday, but that is up in the air. Hopefully tomorrow when the results come back they will be able to pinpoint and understand if any infection is beginning so they can take care of it right away and it does not cause any serious danger. Please keep him in your prayers tonight that he is able to continue being strong and fight off any infections now or in the future. When he was awake I talked to him the whole time and told him how much everyone loves him and wants him to get better and I know he will continue to be tough just like he has been.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 05:37:40 +0000

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