So, to all of my friends who skim their news feeds, or randomly - TopicsExpress


So, to all of my friends who skim their news feeds, or randomly read my posts, heres one that should matter... Family. I know some of us dont like our families, I know Shi Ski, Kala Papke, hell even my cousin Emily Rose get on my nerves, and even Jason King and I have had our ups and downs, even my mom and I have been through hell with each other, but the one thing that keeps me centered, and balanced... Family. Shianne, and Kala, I hadnt ever talked to them before I was 15, but now theyre my crazy little sisters that I would give the world for. Emily is just one of those crazy cousins that kinda happened to be my favorite Harrison. And Jason, haha, Im gonna cry writing this one... Jason and I have had a tough life dealing with each other, it was chaos, drama, and just unhealthy, it took me 16 years to understand just how much crap I could deal with before I hit a line... And Bro, you managed to make me hit that line. But 2 years after that line, I got a call from mom saying you may die, and did I want to see you. I said good luck to him, Ill talk to you later, and hung up the phone. 4 months later, I get a call from mom saying you had recovered and were doing better, still not caring I said cool, Im busy, and again hung up the phone. At Christmas, I went to moms, wasnt expecting you to be there, didnt really care, and never asked where you were, simply because I had become accustomed to doing so. Fast forward to April, I had talked to you a little, your name in my phone was dumbass and I was trying to avoid lots of interaction with you. But in July on the 27th, your 2 years clean, I managed to begin talking to you, though not really expecting it to last... now were 12 days from your 4 years clean and I dont know what Id do without your crazy ass in my life. Growing up, I didnt consider you family, now, youre my favorite family member (aside from mom obviously), and even though I annoy you, and you annoy me, I wouldnt take any amount of currency, or bribe, or anything to get rid of that. I love you more than I thought I ever would. And me growing up, I knew I was adopted, I knew who my mom was, but nothing about my dad, so when my Grandma (the coolest, most caring, and kind person Ive ever met) showed up one day and said Im your dads mom, my names Mary Hill I didnt know what to say, I just had so many questions. But now, I know how my dad really is or was, and now I know what not to do when shit hits the fan. Many people ask me why do you want to adopt a kid, is it because youre adopted? My answer... Yes, and no. I want to adopt a kid because no child deserves to grow up without a mother figure or father figure, wether its their blood parents, adopted parents, or in my case, someone you just start calling dad, or mom. My dad showed me how much being adopted can change a childs life. My mom showed me how much knowing your roots can make you look at the way things should be, and how messed up things can be. To end my little... rant? I guess is what were gonna call this... Family was, is, and always will be the center of my entire life. Without family, no one has roots to look at and learn from, and without those roots, no one has the ability to change their future, and the way the present state of their family can simply be altered by them. I want to adopt because I think every child should be able to have a parent figure, and I want everyone in my family, and even my friends, new, old, and the ones I consider family to understand, if I say Im gonna be hear even if you try to push me away, I plan on sticking to that, and just so those of you who i have recently become friends with, or who I dont talk to that much or at all know, Im here for you, through bad, through good, and through it all. If you need me, all you gotta do is say something. End rant, later people.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:37:52 +0000

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