So today Dr.Leslie asked us to mention a few things about - TopicsExpress


So today Dr.Leslie asked us to mention a few things about ourselves including our favorite toy as a kid. The first thing that instantly came to mind was my favorite board game but unfortunately someone else said board games first and brought up Monopoly. When my turn came I said its a shame that someone already said board games because Risk was always my favorite. World domination always seemed to come naturally. However, I continued, in truth my bike was my favorite toy. There were three death traps nearby. Ogden Avenue was 45 mph, Prairie was 25mph but people flew down it going 40 because awesome stretch of road, and six blocks away were a triple set of train tracks. In the first grade my mother taught me how to cross all of them without dying. I do a lot of things that people consider risky and I wont mention them but for me they are not risks. Ive never taken risks. Im often in my comfort zone and when Im not I take it slow enough that I stay in control. The point of this discussion was to remind us how easy it is to get stressed out and that its ok to turn to the things we love no matter how childish. Some people make poor choices to relieve stress such as binge drinking or worse. These arent needed when there are plenty of fun, less destructive options. So if youre the kind of person to like color by numbers thats ok. About five years ago when I moved here I didnt have responsibilities I would sometimes go for bike rides between the hours of 1am and 7am without discretion like I did throughout the entirety of my childhood, especially in the summer. They would often last two to four hours and take me all over the city. Cincinnati is a big place and five minutes and youre in a totally different neighborhood which is absolutely accurate. I miss those rides. I have always loved the calm of night. The silence and cool air has always been cleansing, serene, but also invigorating. I have never been especially scared. The forest like life is full of toxic insects, venomous snakes, random cliff drops, and hunters both animal and human. It is so easy to get in a bind and have no one around to hear your cries if you are even allowed to make any. I have never exactly tarried in the night but I have always managed to appreciated the surroundings at this time because the distractions of light and noise are removed. There is nothing to hide your shadows or movement no matter how swift. There is nothing to hide your sounds no matter how fleeted. The running water of a nearby stream tries its darndest and the street lamps no matter how generous the spacing provide just enough illumination to reveal the single movement against the still background that goes on forever. Dangerous? Maybe if you are slow or imperceptive. About the only advantage offered really is the ability to disappear. There are those who stride through the night, secure in the knowledge that there is nothing more terrible than they are. There are others who frolic, oblivious to what is around, spared only if they use one of the ample routes of escape. There are others who are there because there is simply nowhere else to go. I am none of these. Most people would probably tell me to give world domination a go, its wholesome they said. Thanks, but Ill stick to this. Thank you..
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:12:58 +0000

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