So, today I was in Future shop at the cash and I was truly - TopicsExpress


So, today I was in Future shop at the cash and I was truly disgusted in the way society is turning out. The girl at the cash barely made eye contact with me as she was on her cell while checking me out looking at her FB newsfeed. $16.09 she says, not even looking at me ... Insert your card, chip facing you, again NO eye contact. If I wasnt so stunned that it was actually happening I would have said something.... Then, as I am driving home I am observing the population...three cars in a row at the stop light with the driver looking down (I can guarantee at their phone) and kids were walking down the sidewalks not conversing with their friends. I had a long discussion with my fav neighbor, Grace, who is one spunky old 72 year old woman. She was telling me how it really saddens her that the art of conversation is gone and how she misses it. All I want to do is talk to my kids and grandkids, but all they want to do is look on their electronic devices, she tells me. She explained how when her grandkids are in her house that they have to put their phone away and spend quality time with family. NOW...I am not innocent by any means when it comes to having my cell glued to me, but I would never do what that girl did tonight and it made me more aware of what the world has come to. It is you see sidewalk chalk on the side walks, skipping ropes, road hockey, lemonade stands etc .... NOT NEARLY AS MUCH AS YOU SHOULD. Tomorrow I am spending the day downtown TO exploring and I will be taking a holiday from my phone...a lil anxious sure, but it is something that I want to do more often. I am going to enjoy the company I have and take in as much culture as I can :) Okay, I am done lol. xo
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:23:24 +0000

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