So, we are 18 TRILLION dollars in debt, and now the President - TopicsExpress


So, we are 18 TRILLION dollars in debt, and now the President wants to send everyone to community college, on our dime. It is high time that this government got back to what it is supposed to do, namely protect the citizens of the USA. The largest job of the Federal Government is foreign policy. We do not currently have one. Radical Islamists are being allowed to take over large swaths of countries. There is also to be some regulation of the value of money, but the Federal Reserve is a) not in the Constitution b) not part of the government, it is privately held, and controls all monetary policy, in what is supposed to be a free market. There is also to be regulation of interstate commerce. It has been said that the ACA is legal, but nowhere in our Constitution is this power provided, and, in fact, health care is not sold across state lines. Therefore, this is illegal. The Keystone pipeline may actually impact interstate commerce, and create jobs, but we cannot get this done. Energy independence should be top priority. Really, we created the oil cartel in the 1930s. We failed to understand the Middle East then, and it is no better now. Ghadafi stayed in a tent when he visited the United States. instead of a hotel. There is no provision for a standing Army, only a Navy. Standing armies are dangerous and tend to promulgate war. We have the largest, best trained, be equipped with weaponry army in the world. A THIRTEEN year war? Really? ISIS/ISIL/Al Qaeda should be routed in a few weeks from Syria and Iraq. And why should we be responsible for rebuilding their country that we just saved? Do they ever help us? Do we get repayment? NO! We have the ability to route out these monsters, but we refuse, mostly so that big companies can continue with the war machine, getting rich off the backs of tax-paying Americans. This alphabet soup of DEA, DEP, Dept of Education, Homeland Security, HUD, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Labor, etc. are all not provided for in the Constitution, and are thus illegal. And we are paying for it all. Education should be decided by the States and local municipalities, not by the Feds, and evidently some other very intelligent folks who founded this country also held that belief. Veterans Affairs seems to do little to help those who have been severely injured in their duty of preservation of the USA. I have forgotten the actual figure, but this last election cycle cost somewhere around one trillion dollars. How much could we do with this money? Pay off our debts, feed hungry children. Teach people to help themselves instead of being dependent upon tax dollars. Gee, maybe we could care for our soldiers. But, alas, we must elect politicians, not statesmen, who only look to the next election. I mean, really, there are those in politics who have never held a real job (somewhere around 25%) outside of Congress. Republican, Democrat- just two sides of the same coin, it really seems to make little difference. Already the Republican controlled Congress cannot agree on stopping this monstrous amnesty project, which will cost billions of dollars of tax payer money. Then, there is the President, and some who would like to become President. To become a member of the house or senate, you must be a Citizen for a specified period of time. To be President of the USA, one must be a Natural Born Citizen, meaning that BOTH parents must have been US citizens born in the USA, or at least of US parents that might be serving overseas, with the child being born in another country. Since his father was Kenyan, that automatically disqualifies Obama from the job, along with several others who are considering a run for the job. After the signing of the Constitution, a women asked Benjamin Franklin what had been done. He replied, A Republic, if you can keep it. The Republic is becoming the laughing stock of the international community. Our destruction is coming from within, not from without. After all, when crisis arises, the American public can rise up in anger and attack the enemy. It is past time to attack the enemy within, people who lived for greed and power alone. Laws are passed from which Congressional members are exempt. Should we not ALL live under the same laws? This promulgation of onerous regulations needs to stop. The laws should be enforced for all, as written by Congress, not as decided in some regulation or executive action. The lawlessness in our country needs to stop. It is dividing us- black, white, rich, poor, man, woman. Divided we fall, only united can we stand.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:36:18 +0000

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