So we interrupt your regular programming to share a story hugely - TopicsExpress


So we interrupt your regular programming to share a story hugely important to Freegans Foods - one of our fur kids is very unwell and were asking for your help. Please share far and wide! Hi everyone, So, this message is initially being sent out to everyone we are friends with on facebook - obviously many of you will be friends with both of us, so apologies to everyone who gets this twice. What we are writing today is extremely hard because, if you know us at all (which you probably do, since youre friends with us on facebook and all) you will know that neither Meagan nor Freedom is terribly good at asking for help. And thats what were doing today. As this is written, our precious puppy Kiburi is at Balcatta Vet having delicate surgery on her spine to repair a slipped disc. Many of you probably dont know Kiburi, as she only joined our family in February this year. She is a small, scruffy creature, a terrier of very uncertain breeding, 6 years old or thereabouts, who was surrendered to the Shenton Park Dog Refuge when her elderly owner could no longer care for her. We adopted her as a friend for Tenji, more than anything, and they are wonderful buddies. She is,of course, our baby. Over the past two days she has gone from running around at the park chasing her ball in the obsessive, maniacal fashion only she can, to being completely unable to use the back half of her body - her hind legs are paralysed and she lost the ability to go to the toilet voluntarily. Without dragging on, surgery was pretty much her only chance of surviving - thankfully, the success rate for this surgery with this condition is usually very high. Of course this comes at a high price - in addition to the $1100 we spent yesterday (thank goodness for Meagans tax money!) there is an estimated cost of around $5 500 (yes, thats five and a half thousand dollars) to perform pre-surgery tests, post-surgery care and obviously the operation itself. We would like to think that we are the kind of people who only adopt an animal knowing that unexpected vet bills can (and do) arise. We dont take on any living being lightly. But not many people budget for unexpected vet bills in excess of this magnitude. With Flip having to have her eye surgically removed at the beginning of the year, and Tenjis torn cruciate ligament, not to mention Freedoms mental health causing her to lose full time work.... well bills add up. Thanks to the incredible, indescribable, flabbergasting generosity of Freedoms parents, Kiburis surgery is being paid for on their credit card. With the severity of her condition and its sudden, rapid onset, her chance of recovery was pretty much decreasing by the second, so we jumped in and took the opportunity to have it performed today. But thats a lot of money that needs to be paid back. So we are asking you, our friends and family, if you can help us help Kiburi. This is a no-pressure, no-expectation request; we are all too aware of the financial pressures of just being alive. (Man, why is EVERYTHING so expensive?) We understand that many of you work in animal welfare or other very low-paying jobs; you have fur kids and human families of your own; you are studying and trying to pay your rent. If you can spare $5, that would be amazing. Included lower in this message are Freedoms parents bank details - if you deposit money into that account we wont know who has donated or how much each individual has given unless you choose to let us know. Alternatively, we can cook, clean, garden, dog-walk, pet-sit or do anything else in the world you would like to pay us to do. Freedom will be pretty much Kiburis full-time carer for the next 6 months so as long as you dont mind a sad little post-operative puppy coming along, were there to do anything you ask! Also, there is a reasonable possibility that Kiburi may, at least temporarily, look like this: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTw6EquNA5IanoHn5XKMw7BEC-5n0uP6yBjHMLwMh4Y1TShxoTj4Q so, you know, you can just pay an admission fee to see a ridiculous, adorable little dog in a doggy wheelchair! Thanks to everyone for reading... we hope that you are having a wonderful, wonderful day. As Freedom and Kiburi got in the car this morning to drive back to the vet, this song was playing: youtube/watch?v=A_g2Pgf-C78 We think it sums things up pretty well! If youre able to help here are the bank details - BSB 086479 Acc. 795742576 G&N Bradbury Love from Freedom, Meagan, Kiburi and all Kiburis fur-siblings - Tenji, Tuli, Kismat, Malaika, Petri, Flip, Frank, Buddy, Nutty, Lentil, Nafsi, Aristos, Nodjmet, Brakmi, Lakshmi, the fish and the foster kids.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 09:51:57 +0000

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