So we just got an American soldier back from the hands of the - TopicsExpress


So we just got an American soldier back from the hands of the Taliban (Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl). At the cost of these individuals; —Abdul Haq Wasiq, who served as the Taliban deputy minister of intelligence —Mullah Norullah Nori, a senior Taliban commander in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif when the Taliban fought U.S. forces in late 2001 —Khairullah Khairkhwa, who served in various Taliban positions including interior minister and had direct ties to Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden —Mohammed Nabi, who served as chief of security for the Taliban in Qalat, Afghanistan, and later worked as a radio operator for the Talibans communications office in Kabul —Mohammad Fazl, whom Human Rights Watch says could be prosecuted for war crimes for presiding over the mass killing of Shiite Muslims in Afghanistan in 2000 and 2001 as the Taliban sought to consolidate their control over the country. Now let me mention the soldier in question left his rifle and majority of his gear (bringing only his NV-Goggles and survival gear), potentially abandoning his post and even worse, potentially defected. Welcome to America, where a whistle-blower whom ratted out the govt and informed millions of Americans whom wishes nothing more than the reform of freedom inhibiting practices, along with the freedoms and home he left behind to do so (Snowden, granted he may have done more disastrous things to go in hand... but thats iffy for someone who decided to let Americans know whats wrong with their country and still obviously harbors hope for this country). Is not only shunned from the nation, hated by the govt and its citizens, but is worth less than a potential defector who MUST BE HOME AT ALL COSTS Thank you Obama, Thank you congress, youve always been another reason to love America. Despite the degrading intellect, and impossible debt brought on by expansionary fiscal policies (increase govt spending to entice an increase in demand) when we werent in need of it (a govt should do this only when there is a recession or there is room before full employment, our govt has gone beyond the full employment line for a few years now (full employment doesnt mean everyones employed, not going into details for a full Macroeconomic lesson).
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 20:04:29 +0000

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