So what have I learnt now Im an old fart? I tend to say it as - TopicsExpress


So what have I learnt now Im an old fart? I tend to say it as it is. I got over the popularity stake drive a long time ago, honesty is a great liberator. I dress and look to please me. Stopped following any form of fashion a long time ago. I wear clothes I like not what fashionistas tell me I should like. Too many out there selling the emperor new clothes and whats more too many wearing (or not) them! I stopped being afraid. I wont stand by and allow any injustice to happen if I can do something about it. Im more interested in pulling a bully off their victim rather than trying to film it for YouTube! I enjoy scaring others. Yep I get a kick out if the fact I can get people to simply back away because when Im pissed I look like a very scary old dude. And its all done with a look, no big theatrics or drama just that look, you know the one, the one you got from your parents or teachers that said you were one more word away from a good slapping! You learn this with age, its subtle but the best weapon you have in your arsenal and it only works when you become an old fart. Stuff diets. Something is going to kill me and the closer I get to this point then hell, it might as well be something I enjoy doing. I want to go to the grave in a body that should have died some thirty years earlier, look at Keith Richards, boy has he got it right, who wants a perfectly preserved corpse FFS. You stop being sensible. As a teenager you did some pretty daft things, then you got married, settled down, had kids and joined the politically correct classes. An odd thing happens when you get to be an old fart, you kind of revert, your kids are older and they have grown to join the politically correct classes whereas you start doing everything in your power to embarrass them. When you hear the phrase dad will you please behave your doing it right. You just stop arguing. Because you just know your right and the quiet contentment that comes with that is good enough. Plus you just know how much it pisses them off when you just smile and move on! You complain more. Yes thats a good thing, you just stop putting up with shoddy service, hell you have spent years paying for this crap and sod it, no more, fail to deliver then you sure as hell are going to know about it. Its simply whats right, you lost all that shyness/coyness bullshit a long time ago. The youngsters just dont realise. Just how good it is being an old fart, you bought your house when it wasnt silly prices, you dont have 40+ years ahead of you working for some arsehole of a boss. If you want to do something nine times out if ten you just do it, consequences are for the sensible, see above! We are not expected to be big achievers anymore and if anyone asked us to then a lot of time we just say stuff it, Im too old to be bothered When I was a kid I though being thirty was ancient, now I have surpassed that by near a quarter of a decade I now know its just another number. Being an old fart is quite possibly one of the most liberating parts of living, I revel in it, old is the new cool :)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:06:49 +0000

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