So yesterday morning on our walk, Mike and I were discussing the - TopicsExpress


So yesterday morning on our walk, Mike and I were discussing the election results and our personal reactions to them, working through the vagaries of an unscripted conversation, when suddenly (so it seemed) we found ourselves in opposing energy to each other. For unimportant reasons, we each were feeling threatened by the others words. I noted this verbally, and we each then attempted to explain our position and why we were feeling/reacting the way we were. The energy was clearly defensive on both our parts, and behind that (on my part anyway) was fear. So we talked about this a bit but mostly the conversation was unsatisfactory (to me) and we changed the subject. (A thread to pick up later: why was this unsatisfactory? Because I didnt win???) Anyway... After we got home, I went to the garden to pick stuff for breakfast and what felt like the Elias energy came through to say, essentially, When two people of like mind cant even discuss politics without getting into disagreement, how then can you expect your politicians on opposite sides to work cooperatively? The teaching went on to point out that there is no out there, that what we experience is a reflection of ourselves, our mass energy projected onto a scene. Further, what Mike and I were expressing is what mass consciousness is reflecting - fear. What we are missing is that we are safe, we are each inviolate, sovereign; there is no threat from other - we can generate threats with our energy, but that is in our hands, the choice of the energy we generate is in our control. What another thinks or expresses is not threatening to me unless I make it so. The word Allowing was given several times as what I am reaching for, the energy that I wish to express. Allow others their own truths, their own beliefs, their own honest experiences, and allow me mine. They may or may not line up or overlap; we are each so unique! The point is to recognize that, and allow. I was encouraged to reread todays Daniel Scranton/Archangel Michael post on honesty. Opposing energy is opposing energy, period. That is what we are expressing through our blue and red, donkey and elephant game. Allowing energy has a different feel to it all together, is more serene, flows. It was very amusing (to them) that even Mike and I, who voted exactly the same, couldnt talk about the subject without getting pinged. Hmmm. I didnt find it that amusing, it rather pissed me off! But I am listening and I do get it; I can see the projection of our energy onto the national (and international) scene. Opposing energy vs Allowing energy -- and its amusing to write it that way: as an opposition! Is there no getting around this?! No. There isnt. This is something we each will be addressing, our own energy of allowing, or opposing. *Sigh* Sometimes I feel like Im repeating First Grade...again. Sorry this post is so disjointed; I wanted to get it all down before I forgot key parts.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:57:47 +0000

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