So, you still want to kill yourself? You want to give up? You’re - TopicsExpress


So, you still want to kill yourself? You want to give up? You’re done trying? You have had enough with it all? Well, I’ve been there, many times in fact. And let me tell you, it’s not worth it. If you think it’ll solve all of your problems, end all of your pain and sadness, you are right, but that is because you’ll be dead. You’ll never again have the chance to do all the things that make you love and that make you happy, nor be able to be with all of the people who mean so much to you. I suffer from depression, OCD, ADD, cutting addiction, anxiety and paranoia, and the list goes on… I will not lie to you, I have tried to kill myself before, a lot of times. If I had succeeded there would have been so much I would have missed out on: I would have never been able to see one of my favorite bands live, I never have become best friends with who I am best friends with now, I would not have saved this new best friends life and she would most likely have committed suicide, Trust me when I say, it WILL get better. I would not be here telling you all of this if it didn’t. To be completely honest, yes, I still get sad a lot and I’m still struggling with all of my issues, but I have found so much that makes me happy. When I get to that really bad, low point, I try and blast my favorite music and just absorb it, or I draw, go online on tumblr. Text my best friend. If you ever think of killing yourself, DON’T. Instead, do all of the things that make you happy, even if it’s just going outside and taking a walk, looking at the clouds or the stars. Talk to someone, let it all out, even just tell some complete stranger on here, tell me. I will always be here to listen and help. Just think, if it will get better, why end your life which would make it so you would never be able to experience that happiness. You, like your life, are beautiful and there is someone out there (so many out there, including me) that will be devastated if you decide to leave us. You deserve to live. You deserve happiness. You deserve everything and more. Don’t give up, never give up. Remember that I care and love you. You are loved. You are cared about. YOU DO MATTER, please never forget that. And never forget how beautiful/handsome you are. You’re so cute, you’re super nice, you’re funny, and you’re you and THAT is truly amazing. That is what makes you perfect. Please STAY STRONG, and you WILL get through this. It does NOT last forever. And once again, please come talk to me about anything, even just a casual conversation. I am here for you. Always. I care, and I want to help you. I love you. So put down that knife, put down those pills, don’t result to this…. You do matter, you are important, you are loved
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 02:32:52 +0000

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