Sober Sunday Rising: Its Sunday morning and the alarm clock goes - TopicsExpress


Sober Sunday Rising: Its Sunday morning and the alarm clock goes off as usual at 3:30am, I am already awoke and I reach for the off button automatically, she stirs next to me and slips out of bed on her side and heads towards the kitchen to start the coffee maker and so begins our day. After our usual good morning greeting and that first sip of sweet hot coffee, she opens her daily journal to begin her morning meditation and writing, as I struggle to get upright, I stretch my sore joints and I arch the bones in my back until they pop like a zipper all the way down. I head for the shower and step into the steaming rush of hot invigorating water, sometimes, she says she can hear me talking to myself when Im in there, Im not surprised as now I no longer attempt to conceal my secret drill sergeant anymore, I just let him out at will, so he can say whatever needs to be said to get my ass motivated! She wants to go to the exercise center early this morning and also get in our four mile run along Cypress Creek before 7:00am; our daughter likes to make the 8:00am service at The Church Without Walls. For us to be finished by 7:00am should leave plenty of time for them to get church ready. Many years ago we decided to pursue our spiritual lives separately, because we were simply not in unison regarding how to worship god or practice religion, so rather than forcing our belief system upon each other and making each other comply and be miserable, we simply chose to respect our right to develop our own relationship with god, as we understand god, individually. Likewise we dont force religion on our daughter either, she has her own understanding of god and she is free to grow spiritually as she fit. Admittedly so, this may not work for some families, but it works well for us and rarely, if ever are there conflicts in our home regarding spiritual matters. As they headed out to church this morning my wife cheerfully asked if there was something I wanted her to tell the congregation, to which I quickly replied, hell no, Ive already confessed my sins to my recovery group and besides only the preacher gets to talk at her church anyway! My daughter smiled that knowing smile that all good Christians smile when they know somebodys ass is going to burn in hell. When we go to the exercise center my wife either rides the bicycle machine or spends her time on the stair climber, she has a killer routine on the sit-up bench which intimidates even the most fit gym rats. Im old school, no treadmill or any of the various aerobic machines for me, my running provides all the aerobic I need, so I just work out with the weight machines, strengthening my core and muscular/skeletal structures, thats kind of like the way we do our spiritual work out, we focus on our own needs and respect each others decisions about what works for each individually. For the last few days I have soaked a turkey breast in a liquid concoction of lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil, fresh chopped garlic, chicken broth and lots of peppers and spices. While they are at church, Ill fire up the grill with charcoal and mesquite wood and slow smoke this turkey until the meat is tender enough to cut with a butter knife and the smoke has penetrated it all the way to the breast bone, maybe then my daughter will implore her god to release me from the gates of hell and damnation…….peace…….Date of Sobriety: 3/8/86………Andre C.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 15:29:13 +0000

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