Social Justice, Income Equality and Immigration Reform (eventual - TopicsExpress


Social Justice, Income Equality and Immigration Reform (eventual voting amnesty). Do you really know what this is all about? If you dont, please take 10 minutes to read it. Just 10 minutes. Please. Your freedom, liberty and your way of life, most importantly your childrens future depends on your knowing what this means now. With the country plunging headlong into a government debt of 18 trillion dollars and having to borrow 43 cents of every dollar the federal government spends, our gross domestic product falling by 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014, which is the lowest drop ever since we began keeping track, what is all this talk by democrats of social justice, income equality and immigration reform? Why all the hype? Are these the top problems we (you) face or is there something else in the mix? What about the stagnant economy, skyrocketing prices at the grocery store, rising heating fuel prices, gasoline near $4.00 per gallon (wait until Iraq falls to radical muslim rule...youd wish for $4.00 gas), 90 million people in our country are not willing or able to participate in the work force. Dont these issues really mean more to you, the average person on my friends list? Arnt you worried about the direction the democrat administration is taking this country? I am. So why the big headline grabbing deal about immigration reform all of a sudden and what the hell is Social Justice and Income Equality? Well, its not that hard to figure out. The democrats are hell bent to reform immigration to allow what is thought to be 12 million people (some say 20 million) near automatic voting citizenship in our country. Can we really afford that right now? Will this so called reform not be a magnet to lure more untold thousands to cross our border illegally and demand the same? Why would anyone in their right mind want to consider giving those who violate our border illegally a safe haven and voting citizenship here? I mean considering our disastrous economic condition? Seems crazy right now doesnt it? Here is why all the hub-bub. Because it benefits the democrat movement to take us into a system of National Socialism. Obamas goal of a single payer socialized medical system being one prime example of this socialist movement by Democrats. And ONLY by Democrats (not a single Republican vote). Obamacare in its current form is just the vehicle to tear down the medical insurance companies to create the needed crisis to bring us to a single payer system which he (Obama) is on record to want badly. Bigger government equals bigger power for the power elites. Its all about power, not what is best for you the tax paying citizen. But why this rush to immigration reform by Democrats? Thats where the Social Justice angle comes in. But what is that? Sounds pretty good doesnt it? Social Justice...who could argue with that? Except its smoke and mirrors put forth by the Democrat Party. Put bluntly, it s the liberal buzz phrase for income re-distribution. So in light of all the skyrocketing costs for fuel, food, shelter and everything else, do you really want to give up through more confiscatory taxation a larger share of your income? Are you not stretched far enough already under these maniacs in the Federal Government? You see, the socialists in government- the Democrat Party, need a permanent underclass of citizens. They depend on it to insure these elitists remain in power no matter what. So, they want to encourage illegal immigration by leaving huge swaths of our Souther border wide open. They have lured 60,000 children up here with talks of this recently. They actually hired transportation to bring them across. Google it. Check it out. They are trying to find room at military installations to house them. There was a News Tribune article yesterday, that they are looking at Fort Lewis as one repository. They estimate in the same article that due to the mixed messages from our government regarding this reform that possibly 150,000 or more could make the trip very soon. This is madness isnt it? Really? It is. The huge Democrat push for this is to place these people on the dole and make them dependent upon the piddly government handouts they get. Which is way...way more than they would hope for at home. Hence, this is why they are coming in such numbers. Illegal border crossings have exploded of late. Food Stamps- 45 million are already enrolled, rent subsidies, welfare checks, SSID (disability payments), free cell phones and what ever other table scrap perks the Dems can think of. Why? So they will vote for the ones who basically sponsor them. The Democrat Party. This was exactly the aim of well known to be very racist Democrat President Lynden Johnsons so called War On Poverty in the early 1960s. To enslave the impoverished and minorities into perpetual poverty through handouts in order to win their vote for Democrats. It worked. Over 90% of the black vote today goes to Democrats! They are still in poverty in spite of 60 trillion spent on this. It was never meant to get them out of poverty, but to buy their voting support. He said and its on record as terrible as it sounds...Ill have those ni#@ers voting Democrat for the next 100 years. He actually said that! And so, they do. This you see is the definition of the phrase Social Justice and its close cousin income inequality...redistribute your hard earned income as incentives to get them here, enfranchise them, get them voting and consolidate power for ever more for the rich elitist leaders of the progressive movement who are the Democrat Party. Democrat contributors, supporters and voters have brought this upon us. This is progress that we can ill afford nor I would suspect, if properly informed...most of us would not want. That is unless you want us to become just another government oppressed, bankrupt, failing, opportunity lacking, miserable socialist crap-hole of a country much like France, Greece or all the others who failed at this lousy system of rule. Its human nature I guess. Thats why there are so many countries under it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely its been said. Human nature. The Democrat Party has us swiftly on the move toward National Socialism make no mistake. The media is staunchly behind it for reasons I can only suspect are self serving and a result of liberal indoctrination of our college age voting youth which has been ongoing for decades now. The Democrats, through their toadies like Obama, Charlie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi demonize any conservative who tries to step in against this movement. Their liberal media runs in lock step to print and broadcast their every word. Which seems odd because the first things to go under a fascist system of rule is gun ownership and free speech. Perhaps we have almost already lost an honest media given the rampant liberal bias. The constant Democrat war against private gun ownership speaks for itself. Had it not been for the Constitution, we would already be history. Hell, the old guard Republican Party is so scared shitless of the liberals and the media, they are trying to figure out immigration reform as well to prevent being painted as racists and xenophobes by the liberals and their ridiculously biased media. Its a tough nut to crack. Especially when people are too busy to see or pay attention to what they are really up to. There is only one way. Vote against every Democrat you can. Or dont if you like the direction they are taking this country. If you are willing to see your taxes go through the roof, higher than they already are, in order to pay for this destruction of your country, your liberty and freedom, dont. Vote Democrat. The Democrats are in full swing creating this permanent underclass (of which we average folks shall all eventually be a part of) to insure their power at your expense. Understand this. Their vehicle is encouraging illegal immigration, demanding IMMEDIATE sensible immigration reform, getting them voting as soon as possible and redistributing your income through confiscatory taxation to pay them off under the name of Social Justice and Income Equality. Thats it in a nut shell. Keep you head in the sand as a low information voter and loose your country to National Socialism under the Democrat Partys agenda. Or vote them out. We are standing at the crossroads right now. The illegal immigrants are already here...a share of them anyway with thousands more on the way. You cant watch the news or read it more then 5 minutes without hearing the liberal buzz phrases Sensible Immigration Reform Income Equality and Social Justice. The Dems are planning to run this fall and in the 2016 general election on Social Justice. Thats on record, look it up. Tyranny is standing at our front door. If you think National Socialism is what you want and you like to share your hard earned income (as long as you may have one) and life energy with people who are here to support the rich elite of the liberal power base due to the handouts they get, vote democrat. If not, you know what to do. Better hurry.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:12:48 +0000

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