Socialism and Islam ~ Dr. Taimur Rahman. Can Muslims be - TopicsExpress


Socialism and Islam ~ Dr. Taimur Rahman. Can Muslims be socialists? Yes. Socialism is a mode of production (i.e. economic system) where the means of production (i.e. economic resources) are owned collectively by society. It is the opposite of capitalism where economic resources are controlled by a capitalist elite. From this definitions we understand that one can belong to any religion or not belong to any religion and be a capitalist or a socialist. Dont socialists ban religion? Not at all. The policy of all socialists is to uphold the complete freedom of religious practice and non-practice. The state will have nothing to do with religion. It will not stop anyone from religion, it will also not promote any one religion over the other. That is what we mean by a secular state. But isnt socialism the same as atheism? Again the answer is no. Socialism is only the belief that economic resources should be controlled by the people. Hence, socialists can be atheists and atheists can be socialists. Just like Muslims can be socialists and socialists can be Muslims. Socialism is based on equality, Islam is also based on equality. Then why do I need socialism? Socialism ADDS to our scientific knowledge about history and society. And that is why we need it. It teaches us that capitalist profit is based on the exploration of the working class (theory of surplus-value). It teaches us that the material conditions of societies determines their ideological and political views (historical materialism). It teaches us the laws of change and movement (dialectics). It teaches us the the laws of capitalist development (falling rate of profit, concentration of capital, disproportionality). These world historic discoveries make socialism relevant to us today as a science. But why do socialists keep criticising Islamic fundamentalists and mullahs? Islamic fundamentalists are hired ideological and political mercenaries of various reactionary classes. They support oppressive and exploitative class systems. They were hired by imperialists during the cold war. They were hired by capitalists against the workers movement. They were hired by feudal lords against peasant rights. Their own agenda is to take society back to medieval society and all its barbarity, oppression, and exploitation. Hence, we fight against them so that our society can move forward. But I had a friend who was a socialist and he kept criticising religion. Good for you. I also had a friend who was a capitalist and he kept criticising religion. It only proves the point above that there are atheists and theists amongst those who support capitalism and also amongst those who support socialism. One only becomes a socialist if one supports the view that resources should be controlled by the people. But arent you against religion? We are great admirers, lovers, followers of all the great Prophets who all stood for the poor and oppressed. Our criticism is only for these mercenaries of reaction, and their doctrines, who use religion as a cloak to justify exploitation and oppression in the world today. This sounds too good to be true. I know. Thats why capitalists and imperialists spend trillions of dollars trying to convince you to hate socialism and follow capitalism. They dont want you to know that socialism can liberate all of humanity.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:20:10 +0000

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