Society has become so accustomed to seeing differences in - TopicsExpress


Society has become so accustomed to seeing differences in individuals, from physical attributes, dress, looks, to your possessions. We often judge these things to determine if we can relate to them or if they are out of touch. The fact is we are more related than we could ever imagine. In fact we are so related that we are inextricably all connected as one in this in single field of consciousness which happens to be the foundation and basis for all creation. This Consciousness can be perceived as individuality but in fact it is also a singularity. This same consciousness can be seen at different scales of the universe Macro and Micro. The Micro scale for example would go beyond the crossing point of an atom. For example you are an organism composed of organs, then cells, then molecules, and finally atoms. At the center of the atom is the nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons beyond that, the subatomic, you have quarks. This seemingly empty void. This invisible intelligence cannot been seen with current technologies but we know it exists and it is the realm of abstraction and unlimited possibilities, and creations. This field rises in vibrations and we have to assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter throughout the material universe. At the Macro level we can perceive this same pattern of creation take place again generating galaxies with this invisible field of mass, dark matter, perceived by astronomers with the recent discovery of Gravitational Lensing. This is where we discovered our galaxy has more mass than we can see. This invisible field of dark matter perceived only through Gravitational Lensing attracts atoms to its center to eventually construct elaborate galaxies capable of generating places much like our own galaxy, Milky Way. Using the best technology of today astronomers have been able to calculated using the Hubble telescope that there are over 100billion galaxies within earths visible spectrum. Thats not it our universe is constantly expanding and creative by nature and we have come to realize we represent an immensely small portion of this growing universe. However no matter how big this universe gets, the basis for all life is much more common than out of touch. See at the basis for all life and creation is this single basic field of consciousness that is one and by nature omnipresent, everywhere at once. Therefore your consciousness or state whereby you are awake is a eternally connected to all sentience here on earth and throughout the infinite cosmos. This field is eternal and can never be broken for it is the basis for all life and creation. Under this assumption one could expand his or her own consciousness via meditation: which by definition is the expansion of human consciousness towards the deeper realms of spirituality to a state a total bliss. In this expanded state of consciousness we are back one with the universe and can perceive, know, or feel anyone or thing at any point in space or time as if it were ourselves the universe because in fact it is and non other. We are the product of the universe come alive. The idea that there is no other! Yes this understanding has been called enlightenment throughout the ages especially in the eastern world. Consciousness will always transcends any one belief, system it is as scientific as its religious as it its spiritual. Consciousness is most intimate to our very existence and is also most poorly understood.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:18:47 +0000

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