Sociopath; the Next Stage in Evolution? Alright, time for - TopicsExpress


Sociopath; the Next Stage in Evolution? Alright, time for another weekly weigh in guys. This week we are going to take a bit of a different direction. I would like to hear your opinions on sociopaths and their position in society. I’m going to start off with a brief explanation of what many people and the media have coined sociopathy. It’s kind of a confusing topic as I’ve found anywhere from 5-16 “hallmarks” of sociopathy so I will list a few. 1. Superficial charm and good intelligence 2. Absence of delusions 3. Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations 4. Untruthfulness and insincerity 5. Lack of remorse 6. Failure to learn by experience 7. Extremely manipulative 8. Generally promiscuous Now I started reading a book titled Confessions of a Sociopath by author M.E. Thomas. Basically she has detailed her life in a partial memoir highlighting her sociopathic behavior. I don’t support the book personally. I had to put it down because I disagreed with a lot of what was said however it has brought sociopathy into the mainstream if you would. Now a sociopath is someone who “suffers” from antisocial personality disorder. I recommend you read the DSM V stipulations on antisocial personality disorder. It outlines how these people are actually diagnosed. Right now in North America roughly 4% of the population are declared to be “suffering” from this infliction. That’s 1 in 25. That number has doubled since 1975. However some estimates say as many as 1 in 3 people have sociopathic tendencies. So chances are every person reading this knows more than one person who is a sociopath or has sociopathic tendencies. Kind of a chilling statistic. The question is who are these people and what do we do with them? A large base of them have ended up in prison for crimes that range from petty theft upward to the more notable Charles Manson who murdered remorselessly. They are not all criminals though. Many find homes in politics, high powered corporations, and religious institutions. We now have a large amount of power and influence controlled by what most consider to be dangerous sociopaths. If you spend anytime googling or flipping through youtube looking at sociopaths they are demonized as some of the most dangerous people walking amongst us. Yet every day we idolize them, vote for them, and buy their products. They achieve this height by manipulation and acting without conscience. They do not have the same holds as a considered normal person does. They do not care how you feel and they do not feel remorse when they hurt you. Sounds terrible does it not? However these advantages have allowed them to flourish and control a lot of our everyday lives. These are the X-men of our time. Evolving to every situation to achieve their personal satisfaction. This is evolution happening right before our eye. No more emotional dead weight curbing their actions or motivations. Very robotic in a sense. They mimic and mirror emotion only to gain control over you. Which is best displayed in romantic relationships. Young women seem to love the sociopathic population until their use or entertainment value have run out. Their charm and attentiveness is the cheese on the mouse trap. So now the big questions, do you know a sociopath? Do we accept sociopaths in our society? Do we continues to let them control our major influences? Does something need to be done or do we continues to blindly follow the light hoping to get the cheese on the trap? Weigh in and let me know how you feel about sociopaths. I’ve added some links at the bottom that are an enjoyable watch on youtube I do not necessarily agree with them. youtube/watch?v=xYemnKEKx0c
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:30:41 +0000

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