Sold for the price of scrap iron army tanks - on the way to the - TopicsExpress


Sold for the price of scrap iron army tanks - on the way to the war in Ukraine 12/08/2014 14:40 A watchful reader posted the following photos, which were made in Nyíregyháza railway station on August 2. According to the information provided on the trains headed Záhony, which crossed the state border to Ukraine. The photo is interesting that these T-72 ever for the HDF file of medium tanks visible. Hídfő.net | scrap sold for the price of army tanks on the way to the civil war in Ukraine Hídfő.net | scrap sold for the price of army tanks on the way to the civil war in Ukraine Hídfő.net | Nyíregyháza station Since the outbreak of the crisis Ukrainian assets withdrawn from sale of stocks of the Hungarian Army HM EI Plc. (Ministry of Defence Electronics, Logistics and Asset Management Company Private Limited) two applications have been announced for T-72 battle wagons. From March 2014, the first year could be applied, it is 58 pieces, mainly produced in Belarus harcjárműre concerned. This tender was founded in October 2013 - allegedly owned by Czech individuals - company, Excalibur Defense Ltd. won. The second tender offer was made in July 2014, and in August it has already been criticized. This is also the above named company won, which are included in the list of companies registered in military technology trade has also licensed activity. The application of the 58 tanks: The winner of the tender: The second application of 22 pieces of T-72 tanks were written off. The second winner of the tender: The tanks can be 22 pieces minimum gross price was 45 million 220 thousand. This means that a piece harckocsiért had to pay a little more than 2 million forints. Since it is assumed that the offers started competing with each other, so probably a little more money in the kelhettek combat vehicles. Today, the world market in such a condition, used but still fighting vehicles to battle perceived value of 100 thousand US dollars (£ 24 million). So home tenth of the market price could sell these combat vehicles. However, in any case give rise to questions as to why the MoD company sells used but still-air weaponry to battle virtually scrap prices or below the price? Today £ 53-57 a kilo price of iron, such a tank, depending on the type of trail 41-44 tonnes. Rates described in the second (S14N08 ID) application, the transaction might constitute misappropriation of the term, as state property played over a certain fraction of the fair value of the company. The fact that the Defense Excalibur Ltd when and to whom, at home or abroad, sold a total of 80 pieces of used T-72 tanks in its possession, it has no information. Since many of the neighboring countries of Ukraine only waging war and military-technical losses are significant, so it is conceivable point there could sell these tanks. According to information from the subject of railway equipment is being held there. It is a fact that the US spends millions of dollars on a daily basis the Ukrainian military operation maintenance, and called on NATO allies who operate or have operated to transfer or sale of stocks to assist in the Ukrainian Soviet military equipment. Thus, the Soviet sold technology to replace the NATO countries will take expensive western guns, of course, not the price of scrap iron. According to some sources in Ukraine or Poland Hungary is looking to fill air force combat aircraft. Interestingly, the HM EI Plc. Also has the solution to this, since 2013 has been for sale for 24 pieces of MIG-29 type fighters and eight pieces of MI-8 military transport helicopter. MIG-29 tenders: Helicopter applications: Meanwhile, the scooter was nicely towards the Hungarian arms of Ukraine. Perhaps this contributes Hungary Ukrainian retaliatory operation responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians? The explanation, which will see the light of day on the days that the sold military technology from the price of deficit they want funded, non-stop, because you would have to sell the tanks were not scrap at the price of a couple of African, Asian countries would have gladly bought armory also these combat vehicles.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:25:32 +0000

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