Soldiers of Invisible War ! Friends, - TopicsExpress


Soldiers of Invisible War ! Friends, this is a secret announcement.There is a war where we have been already participating . We are the soldiers ! Since most of us are too busy to even know about this,it appears we might loose. If we defeat ,the imprisonment is not just for a lifetime. It goes for generations . It will be a defeat over our language. A defeat over our identity. Over the years our children and our childrens children would look like us but only would physically LOOK like us. They would grow, behave and be as mere cultural clones of someone s brain child. The winners of the war will remote control our children on what they have to eat,drink,do,speak and even think! Our own history might be hand cuffed. But luckily we can still win this war. We dont require large army for this. Neither we require nuclear artilleries. We require something more powerful than that. Ideas! We are living through an invisible War of ideas. War of innovations whose aggressive business products flex their economic muscle over us. These products can really rob us . It can subjugate us. How? PROOF 1: OUR COLLECTIVE STORY. .................................................. We dont require imaginary examples to prove this.We have been living through this right from 300 years of our own history. We understood that over the generations that,prominently two things shape any language,religion and culture of a land. One is War. Another is business. For example let us take language as a point. why do we speak in English? Why dont we speak Korean or Mexican? Or,why dont British speak our Hindi or Tamil? Answer: Business. British have not entered here as warriors.English was not taught to us at knife point. British only made certain crucial innovations like steam engine and dumped cheaper products which the World had to buy. They first made everyone consumers. They came out only as a company. East India company. They made countries as business grounds. Their industrial and business competion with other European nations shifted their trade to aggressive land grabbing capitalism and than to Colonialism. We know that one invention of steam engine had catalysed British to capture the World .Great ideas around the World,all civilisations,religions and philosophies had to surrender to the early innovations and industrialisation of British. Before British came here as business men, we were living as mute consumers? No. 2000 years ago,even before the language called English was born, (when people lived in England as native tribes),Greeks and Romans reported massive cash drainage to the textile imports from India.We were one of the richest nations of the World till 1600 AD. ( Refer the book Contours of the World economy written by Angus Madison.) Tall gopuram buildings (that we call as temples), standing against time for 1000 years are not built from English architectural knowledge. They are the standing proof of technologies born from this soil, from our mother tongue. (If we studied and inherited our indigenous civil engineering alone, all the tallest buildings of the World would be here and we would be the World s best experts to build any Burj kalifa.) Why are we turning a blind eye to our own science? I am yet to find an answer for this. Any dynamic innovation that serve the contemporary consumer needs of the world would stay powerfull enough to quash the rest. May be. PROOF 2: A FRENCH STORY. ................................................ America got freed from the repression of British in 1777. This independence influenced Europe . It was under the repressive rule of monarchs.Europe rose. Voltaire ,Rouseeu and Montesquie gave new ideas of liberty. Their thoughts created a combustible mixture in the minds of common man which kindled French Revolution.They demanded for equality and liberty. Revolution was gathered and spread by Napoleon. He conquered entire Europe and established equlaity by demolishing monarchs. His natural enemy was the repressive British. But his (historical ) mistake was the declaration of Continental blockade which ordered that no Europeans should trade with British. But Britain has already enslaved Europe by its industrilised commodities. Europe , Russian Czar all joined British to fight the hero of history : Napoleon. He was defeated. His ideas of equality though good,had to loose before the power of few commodities invented . So...What now? Did we learn ? THE WAR NEVER ENDS. ........................................ Wants are bottom less pit and the material war would end only when the whole World turns spiritualistic. So we know the war goes on . The question now is,are we fighting it?. If steam engine shrunk the world a small place,smart phones and internet made it invisible. We have lost to steam engine,but how about to internet? To analyse our real status, please join me to visualise this little hypothetical anecdote. On the other side of this Globe in U.S an American runs a shop called Chennai idli kadai. Many teenager Americans and Europeans visit this shop .Imagine that you see a bunch of them coming there by our Hindustan Ambassador car. You could also see those white Americans wearing our white dhotis . They speak a stylish Hindi. (They learnt Hindi in a hard way in schools spending some dollars as penalty for speaking their native English!). They browse into (Indian Binny Bansal made) flipkart in their Indian (Reliance) mobile. They speak about their proud cousins who are working in India and their own dream to go to India and settle there for ever. But you could also hear them complaining about the foggy Indian visa rules. This is funny to you? Now consider this (non- hypothetical) analogy. You are in a KFC at Chennai. You see a teenager named Murugan driving in by his Ford. In his jeans and Raybans the Indian boy waits in a queue to grab a chair.Sipping coke in one hand he pokes his Samsung . He Googles and then checks his yahoo mail. He likes someones like in FB. He messages his location in Wats app to his girl friend. She arrives speaking to someone in her Apple grafted ear: iphone. (Every one including the KFC boy there,spoke in English). You could scan through her vanity bag to find it is only an euphemism of a cosmetics kit containing Loreals,Maybelines and many European brands that promise her to turn her fair skinned. Freeze here. KFC ( from U.S), Ray ban (U.S), i phone (U.S), Samsung ( S.Korea) Google (U.S), Yahoo (U.S), FB (U.S), Wats app (U.S), Coke (U.S), Loreal ( French) Ford (U.S) NOTHING IS OURS. ( Except the noun Chennai and Murugan). Now imagine, what if an European comes here and looks at our Chennai run KFC? He would think us funny as you thought about our hypothetical American run Chennai idli kadai. Who knows,he might even think us as a sort of people living with a fake identity . (Though he would not dare to say that explicitly fearing not for us but for lose of his business here.) The point here is not about who is funny or who use which Country s product. The point is whose money goes to whom and at what cost. The point is who is the capitalist and who remains just a (freaky) consumer feeding the capitalist. INDIAN I.T WAR. ........................... All these 30 long years,we have been proudly punctuating our project reports and power points with 1991 economic reforms and thereby our integration into the Global economy. Whereas a tiny South korean company called Samsung (started for noodles making) actually encashed this ....and earns a whooping revenue of $ 270 b! A little proof. Check some of its products around you. No surprise that seven such samsung companies can swallow our entire $1800 b GDP! Don t mistake me if i bruise your patriotic sentiment.I am a proud indian (like you) when I hear foreigners call us as IT wizards. Yes,I admire about our IITs ,TCS,Cognizant,Infosys ,Wipro and now recently Flipkart, quickr, etc., But can you ignore that our total IT revenue in India is just crossing $ 100 b comprising with some of the top notches,TCS ($12b), Cognizant ($7b), infosys ($6.7b), Wipro ($5.7b ), HCL ($4.3 b) etc ., Whereas Apple ( of U.S) alone make an annual revenue of $170 b! Iam not an Engineer. Hence you would forgive my ignorance to ask if Silicon valley means some valley with large silicon deposits? Ok......I heard you......Thanks. Than why cant we innovate something original at the scale of Apple, Google,FB,Amazon or Wats app ? How long we would end up framing sobriquets to Indianise western ideas like Indian silicon valley? Is India just a booming IT clerk suppliers to the aggressive entrepreneurs of the world? Our software engineers i think ,should stop coding programmes to solve problems of the elite Western World and start to reprogram their minds. Jan kaum s uncle is not BillGates still,he could make $ 19b with just 55 of his Wats app employees. Our graduates who laments about their poor background shall take note that Jan kaum started his job as a cleaner in a grocery shop. He is basically an Ukranian and English is not his mother tongue. His Wats app deal with FB is an instant message to our 15 lakh engineers in India that.....not only silicon is free, imagination too is free, yet it creates everything! Some of our engineers parents or relatives may still do farming in our country. So it is not a rocket science for us to understand,in India where 51% of people are still engaged in the drudgery of agriculture, roughly 20 crore of such farmers are working under sun for a whole year to make this $19 b . (That too,subject to the whims of monsoon). How long would we remain (a billioner) consumers for Google , youtube ,FB, Dell, HP,Intel,or any internet App and let them make their billion dollar revenue. Even if one innovation happens here in India at the level of H.P ( which makes $ 112 b revenue in a year), Amazon ($75 b), Google ($ 60 b) ,we can U turn the long Indian visa applicant queue at the gates of U.S consulates in India. Americans would stand to reach here at our Indian embassies there. Ask our young engineers what is their dream. ....... ....... In 1942 we said Quit India. Today we are quitting India. ------------------Hi friends...I Stopped here as this is going too long and sorry for this lengthy bla bla..... After your comments I would come out with better possible solutions as next part. :) Thanks to Rupesh and Athi whose response comments to my previous post, triggered me to write this far.....Happy week end guys................................
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 05:53:54 +0000

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