Some Information about Salim [Jahangir] Nur-ud-din Mohammad - TopicsExpress


Some Information about Salim [Jahangir] Nur-ud-din Mohammad Salim, known by his imperial name Jahangir (30 August 1569 – 7 November 1627), was the fourth Mughal Emperor who ruled from 1605 until his death in 1627. Jahangir was the eldest surviving son of Mughal Emperor Akbar and was declared successor to his father from an early age. Jahangir built on his fathers foundations of excellent administration, and his reign was characterized by political stability, a strong economy and impressive cultural achievements. The imperial frontiers continued to move forward—in Bengal, Mewar, Ahmadnagar and the Deccan. Jahangirs dealings with the Hindu rulers of Rajputana were particularly successful, and he settled the conflicts inherited from his father. The Hindu rulers all accepted Mughal supremacy and in return were given high ranks in the Mughal aristocracy. Jahangir was fascinated with art, science and, architecture. From a young age he showed a leaning towards painting and had an atelier of his own. His interest in portraiture led to much development in this artform. Jahangir, like his father, was a proper Sunni Muslim with tolerance; he allowed, for example, the continuation of his fathers tradition of public debate between different religions. (SO Here Is THE BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT SALIM AND MUZ actual relation according to History...) Jahangir paid obeisance to his mother by touching her feet. He records these instances with a sense of pride. His reference to his mother was preceded by epithet Hazrat, one that is usually reserved for His Majesty himself.[27] These courtesies demonstrate the amount of respect and love he held for his mother, Mariam-uz-Zamani. A number of royal functions took place in the household of Mariam-uz-zamani like Jahangirs solar weighing,[28] Jahangirs marriage to daughter of Jagat Singh,[29] and Shehzada Parvizs wedding to daughter of Sultan Murad Mirza.[30]
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:16:35 +0000

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