Some days I wonder if I should post at all. Lately, almost - TopicsExpress


Some days I wonder if I should post at all. Lately, almost everything I’ve written has caused incredible controversy. Don’t get me wrong, I love open minded discussion, I love to see people passionately speaking their minds. What I hate is the close minded arguments, particularly when it is reduced to attacking people instead of focusing on issues. I understand that not everyone agrees with me, I understand that I am a bit of an idealist, and that my attitudes don’t match up with the prevailing political landscape. But, the truth is, to me it’s not political. It’s just human/humane. I’m just naïve enough to believe that there is a peaceful solution to every problem. I’m just naïve enough to believe that each individual can make a difference. I’ve heard all of the reason why “it won’t work”. I’d love to hear just one person say, “This might work, if we all try”. Ive heard all of the rationale for escalating violence. I’d love to hear one contemporary person say “give peace a chance”. Ive heard lots of people say “life is not fair”, I’d love to hear one person finish that with “but maybe I will be”. How about this “violence/poor people/unfair business practices have been here since the world began and we’re never going to change it”. So, does that mean we shouldn’t try? Inevitabilities are only inevitable as long as no one tries to change them. People tell me I can’t make an impact on the hunger problem in the world. I say, yes I can! if I see someone in need, and I respond to that need…I have changed that persons world. Just think what an impact that could make, if everyone tried it even for just one day. I’m not talking about paying for the guy behind you in line at Starbucks! That’s only for you. It helps no one in need. Feed someone who genuinely needs to be fed. People tell me that if I’m attacked, physically, I should defend myself. Otherwise I’m weak. Really? How weak was Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jesus etc? And how much did they impact their world? It’s not weak to take the high road; in fact, I think it requires more strength. OK, here is the part that will offend the most; I’m not interested in hearing a bunch of tired political or religious catch phrases that require no action on the part of the individual. Catch phrases and platitudes are obviously not working. I’m certainly not, nor have I ever implied that I am, the person with all of the answers. In fact, I’m the person with a whole lot of questions! I’m sure many of you are wondering “where the hell is all of this coming from?” well, it’s coming from my heart, which (today) is aching for the world we live in. I am more and more convinced that this place is broken. I am more and more convinced, every day that it lies within us to fix it. It simply takes a desire to make a change. I’m also sure that someone is thinking “who the hell are you”? I can answer that for you, I’m no one really. I have no reasonable expectation that anyone should listen or even care about what I say or think. But, I’m going to say it anyway. You know why? Because if I don’t, well then, nothing will ever change. Peace, jim
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:04:09 +0000

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