Some days are just harder than was one of those - TopicsExpress


Some days are just harder than was one of those days. Work was not easy, you can always pretty gauge your day by your first call and well my first one wasnt pretty. But hey you cant make everybody happy and at the end of the day I still love my job and look forward to it tomorrow. I got home and honestly nothing I did made Ceree happy she would look at me and shake her head no and pretty much scream. She wouldnt let me bathe her, put her to bed really do anything without flying into a rage and I am not talking about a toddler rant I am saying throwing stuff screaming crying fit. These are the times that I find myself hating cancer and what its left her with. A beautiful child with a beautiful mind but possibly tortured soul because if I cant understand whats going on with my daughter how can I expect her to? There is no magic cure no magic pill for this OMA shes had it, her cerebellar atrophy is permanent. This is when I just want to scream out frustration, anger, sadness for her and myself.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:21:43 +0000

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