Some events in history that happened on March 21st: 1413 - - TopicsExpress


Some events in history that happened on March 21st: 1413 - Henry V becomes King of England 1610 - King James I addresses English House of Commons (first time ever, before it was only House of Lords) 1804 - French civil Code of Napoleon adopted 1859 - Scottish National Gallery opens in Edinburgh 1859 - Zoological Society of Philadelphia, first in U.S., is incorporated 1871 - Journalist Henry M Stanley begins his famous expedition to Africa to find Dr. Livingstone 1871 - Otto Von Bismarck elevated to rank of Fürst (Prince) 1907 – U.S. invades Honduras 1918 – World War I: Germany launches Somme offensive 1934 – Female athlete Babe Didrikson pitches an inning in an As-Dodgers exhibition game: walks 1st batter, hits the second batter, the 3rd batter hits into triple-play 1935 - Persia officially renamed Iran 1943 – World War II: Assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler fails (“Plan Valkyrie) 1947 - President Harry Truman signs Executive Order 9835 requiring all federal employees to take an oath of allegiance to the United States 1951 - Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicted of atomic espionage for the Soviet Union 1952 - Alan Freed presents the “Moondog Coronation Ball” at the old Cleveland Arena; 25,000 attend the first rock & roll festival ever held 1961 - Beatles first appearance at the Cavern Club in Liverpool 1963 - Alcatraz federal penitentiary in San Francisco Bay is closed 1964 - Beatles She Loves You single goes #1 and stays #1 for 2 weeks 1965 - Martin Luther King Jr. begins march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama 1966 – U.S. Supreme Court reverses Massachusetts ruling that the novel Fanny Hill is obscene 1970 - Slovenian Vinko Bogataj crashes during a ski-jumping championship in Germany; his image becomes that of the agony of defeat in the opening credits of ABCs Wide World of Sports 1972 – U.S. Supreme Court rules that states cant require a 1-year residency to vote 1979 - Egyptian Parliament unanimously approve peace treaty with Israel 1980 - President Jimmy Carter announces U.S. boycott of Moscow Olympics 1984 - Part of Central Park is named Strawberry Fields honoring John Lennon 1998 - Good Friday Agreement signed in Northern Ireland making greart strides in the UK/Ireland peace process 2002 - In Pakistan, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh along with three other suspects are charged with murder for their part in the kidnapping and killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl 2013 - The European Space Agency reveals new data that indicates that the universe is 13.82 billion years old
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:43:56 +0000

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