Some ministerial thoughts from the chapters of my book. Getting - TopicsExpress


Some ministerial thoughts from the chapters of my book. Getting right to business; organizing the sequence of our prosecution totally correct has been frustrating with the volume of new legal events & recent and distracters, It’s taken all I have to pull this together, so I’ll start first with the recent major subjects and important condensed spiritual messages: The empty cod nets should be triggering very serious alarms of concern. Employing concern today may avert a big famine/disaster 30-50 years from now, where those filling our shoes then will recognize and look back upon todays efforts in appreciation. The No Birth Control Policies of the church cause cataclysmic imbalances by enmeshing with developing nations. then prohibiting Birth Control, which wouldve normally been used in todays balance. The Church is not the cause of all imbalances, but Rome needs to seriously revisit its Birth Control Policies. According to the old timers in my neck of the woods, we are about 10+ years into an estimated; 40-year weather cycle. The Pope’s Messages Through This Ministry For The Church In Rome; Again its difficult to know where to begin but with the more recent notes and comments: In 2009 I was moved by the attributes and skills demonstrated by Pope Benedict XVI, Noting his versatility and implementation of multiple languages and communication skills, peacefully articulating a message of hope in an attempt to manifest motifs for peace into an area filled with conflagration. A great (or large), seemingly eclectic volume of peace and love of The Holy Order surrounds him –and Angels flow with him in his travels. When as few as three gather… A Monarch engraced indeed with the touch of peace filling a clear mind and enveloped in a prayerful aura. Pope Benedict XVI A Man of Peace – A Man of God Then came some of the other programming on that same channel seeming to have the effect of shaking me free from accepting all of their church’s doctrines and from desiring to become belabored in their discussion; The issue of Music in church ceremonies seemed to be progressively interpolated and pre-dispositioned as celebration or a distracter (rather than its enjoyable background) –other than only the archaic nineteenth century bland B-3 cathedral style organ interludes, casting and keeping a demographic black and white shadow in today’s world of living color, which created the resemblance of a tomb of the dying rather than a progressive inspiration for life, displacing the current active spirit of life with a turn of the last century antiquity Fair, leaving the mind-pooling powers of the eclectic mass untouched, unharnessed; A potential power so great it might be collectively focused in unison onto the hands of a healers in Masses. As if into a beam of faith, which then truly has the level of power witnessed in the fold of Saint Peter in his day and we know from the New Testaments in the Bible the greatness of the collective power they demonstrated, which is the body of St. Peter, that also being the collective body of individuals in mass. Any church is the body of its individuals and this ministry calls for those individuals to align and focus into a great force that is also part of the One Oceanic-Scale Body of The Holy Ghost, Our Common Spirit Of Life. This ideology, this paraphrasing revives the motif: When Three Or More Gather, I am there and then employs it, appropriately in front of the full congregation or mass, focusing upon the hands of that healer with the uniform aligned belief that the Power of The Lord will flow through those hands and so it Shall. If you pray hard enough? If all souls present in a congregation have aligned as one and everybody’s on board! It’s not conclusive by itself idly, but as the collective heart envelopes and embraces it into motion; the supernatural levels of collective combined faith exercised by Jesus and developed by St. Peter and Disciples may be found therein and exercised and seen again today. Miracles, including the animation of things which are material. There are those truly gifted with the power to heal in their hands and the hands-on healing powers not seen since the days of Jesus himself may be exercised today, beginning with the faith that it can so be fulfilled, so is it then present and granted. As these are not my primary personal gifts, my focus resumes towards the presentation of the style of music I’ve been involved with for all my life with messages incorporated into wording set upon sonic landscapes and mind setting themes. A ministry, which people would go out and buy and not be repelled away from, embedded in the world’s fastest moving three-dimensional audio and visual art form and found or realized when one reflects upon one’s soul. I’d suggest Pope Benedict have a concert at St. Peter’s Basilica… I endorse the black and white – either/or aspects of Catholicism, noting the color schemes worn by Nuns, however their God given beauty is hidden away, characteristic in some Moslem cultures as well. EWTN’s discussion on behalf of the Vatican reflected a scathing pre-dispositioned opinion against music. How about broadcasting Vatican MTV, transmitting musical spiritual messages? These are messages I present and not a heretical attack on the Catholic Family and body. They were starkly different and profoundly aside from any other thing known or experienced before and their flow was incessant. Some things were redundant. During all conscious and wakeful hours I wrote them down whole-heartedly as their prose and beatitudes were magnificent and I found it was my duty to do so in flow with my commitment to what I thought was another ministry in my destiny. In 2009 plans are being set for a park commemorating our discovery and achievements; making lemonade out of lemons. These plans may never be finished though, I don’t wish to empower anticipation beyond my means and then suffer its disappointment, as it never materializes… ...Numerous references were made to a vacant empty cocoon from which a Butterfly has emerged. That Butterfly is the Spirit of the Ghost. He said (I received); Whenever you see a butterfly, think of me. A great volume was related to the aspects of this and that the Spiritual Representational Authority of The Vicar has effectually been vacated by proclamation as the Gateway to the Holy Ghost is found within each and every living soul and each one is a defined spark of the Bonfire Of Life. And further that the Church shall not castigate her Priests, but embrace their roles as the Ministers of Lifes positive structuring and building blocks. Each of our defined souls are like the sparks of a great bonfire of life. Each living soul is a piece of the living Holy Ghost and the gateway is found common inside each heart. Spiritual Communications freely flow through the hearts and souls of each individual, as spiritual boundaries are seamless, only the material boundaries of flesh stand homogenous for their temporary duration. The voice of the spirit is soft and peaceful.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:40:04 +0000

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