Some of you have asked...what you doing to get in - TopicsExpress


Some of you have asked...what you doing to get in you go! This is lengthy, simply written, not checked for grammar and spelling, and not complex, but I believe it is valuable. Here is the secret....there is no secret. However, I will tell you what I think works, no I will tell you what I know works. First and foremost...YOU have to want this, YOU must want to get healthy, not just fit, but healthy. YOU have to make the commitment. YOU have to leave all the excuses behind. Too old, I am 47...Thyroid problem, I have an under active Thyroid and take medication to prove it...Joints ache, Yea I know I am 47...Changing is hard, Yea I know I am 47...I am too fat...I have lost 39 pounds and didn’t think I was “that” fat. If you are ready and WANT this, then do these steps! I say keep it simple. You dont need supplements, pills, wraps, detox, etc. All that has its place, but keep it here you go! #1. Down load My Fitness Pal app to your phone. It is free. That alone will change your eating habits. Everyone will try to get you to manage your micro nutrients, but counting calories is not the “cool” thing anymore. However....KEEP IT SIMPLE and just get started counting calories for now! Studies have proven time after time that anyone that records what they consume change their behavior. This app makes it MUCH eadier. BE HONEST about what you report. #2 Cut out soft drinks, sweet tea, and limit fruit juice. #3 Dont drink zero calorie drinks with artificial sweeteners #4 You are going to have to exercise...and getting on a treadmill or going for long walks is not going to get you where you want to go. Yes, they have value, but you want to get healthy now, right. HIIT....High Intensity Interval Training. I recommend doing T25...Who doesn’t have 25 minutes a day...the DVD series has a modification routine, you can do it at home, and it works. I honestly could not last 2 minutes at first without stopping. I could not believe I was that out of shape. Look at me now! #5 Start lifting weights #6 Eat ENOUGH calories...if you can grow it or kill it, then you can eat it. #7 Get 8-10 hours of sleep #8 Drink plenty of water #9 Weigh yourself , take measurements, and take plenty of “before” pictures...why....because you are going to wish you did when you look and feel great! #10 Find others that want the same healthy lifestyle. Your support group can help get you there quicker. You can do it alone, but it helps to have that support. Now...what do I know...I know all that works. I have a degree in Health Promotion from Appalachian State University. I have played many sports. I have been active my entire life. But you know what. Life gets in the way and I got FAT. Work becomes an excuse, kids become an excuse, being worn out after getting home becomes an excuse. IT IS HARD! I get it. Change your lifestyle and you will gain back that energy you have lost. Things seem to fall in place when YOUR healthy lifestyle is YOUR number 1 priority. The secret really is that simple. You can do it!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 14:07:32 +0000

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