Some of you might remember this blast from the past that I - TopicsExpress


Some of you might remember this blast from the past that I encountered the other day. How many, raise your hands quietly boys and girls, remember a fad from our youth called mood rings. These were quite the rage when I was a teen back in that distant age called the 70s. These things were everywhere! They were made from a hollow peace of glass or crystal, and were filled with liquid crystals (much like in lcd tvs today) and the liquid inside the stone would change color to, supposedly, reflect your mood. How they really worked was that they would change color according to changes in your bodys surface temperature. There was a whole chart on what each color meant, and I dont know if I am proud or ashamed to admit I remember what a few of the colors meant! Usually the color would be green which meant essentially you were in an average mood. This was because most of the time your bodys surface temp was 82 degrees, which is normal. But it would change as things happened to cause your surface temp to change. I remember blue was happy, and black was angry or stressed out. I also remember running these darn things under hot or cold water just to watch them change colors on our hands. I was thinking about these for some strange reason yesterday as I was getting dressed for work. My mood was ebullient yesterday, even though Tuesday had been long and stressful with Poots surgery and subsequent first evening of pain management, I was feeling great. Relieved that his surgery went so well, and filled with energy, I dressed for the day. I discovered something about myself, that I hadnt realized, and as I thought through it, I discovered I do it all the time. I dont guess I ever escaped my youth in a sense! I wear mood ties! Yep, thats correct, I said mood ties! Dont laugh too hard or youll miss my explanation! You see even though it was bitterly cold, and a bit gloomy yesterday, I was in a fantastic mood. Thus I set of my clothing ensemble with a bold yellow tie. It was bright and vibrant, and it was how I felt! I laughed at my realization of doing this with my ties. I thought how true a representation of my moods they are. I wear blue when Im feeling just ok, red when I feel bold and ready to take on the world, pink when Im in a friendly mood, and, in the fall, every Friday I wear orange in anticipation of our games on Friday nights (our colors at Williamsburg if youve never noticed from pics Ive posted are orange and black). While looking in the mirror as I tied my tie, thinking of mood rings and mood ties as I giggled at my silliness...a serious thought invaded my head...David...what do you wear, what is donned on your outward appearance, that reflects your relationship with Jesus? My mood changed from silly giddiness at my circumstance, to quiet reflection. What do I wear that lets other see Jesus in me? I reflected on that most of the day yesterday as I went about my work. Most folks who know me even a little know I claim Christ as my Savior. I wondered yesterday if they know that because they have heard me talk about it, or do they know that by my actions, as after all actions truly speak louder than words. There is an old song we used to sing in youth group growing up that had the line they will know we are Christians by our love in it. I I reflect the love of Jesus? is my life built on Matthew 25:40, how have I treated the least of these? Do I befriend in need or do I walk away? What about the way I speak, the words I use. Do I build up and encourage, or do I wait, in eager anticipation, for gossip that will tear down? Proverbs 18:21 says my tongue has the power of death and life in it. Can others see the life giving grace of Christ in how I use it? Ephesians 4:29 says the only thing that should come from my mouth are words that give grace to those who hear them. Do I go along to get along when in a group, they are doing something that blurs the lines of my faith? Do I crave acceptance so much that I abandon my stand? Do I love the world and the things in it...if so then how can I love God (1 John 2:15)....Wow a lot of spiritual reflection came out of tying my tie and thinking on mood rings! Lord Jesus, let my mood today reflect You. May I give a smile to one downtrodden, may I lend a hand to one in need. Protect my speech today and let it be kind. Let me not sit in the seat of scoffers or gossips this day. Its so easy to get caught up in these things Jesus, but I ask that you guard my tongue today. Let it only lift You up I pray. Instill in my spirit Lord a deep yearning to serve only You. In my work let me honor You...In my conversation, let me honor You. No matter the situation, let me find opportunity to turn it into a chance to glorify You. Thank You Lord for this day..Let my mood ring, yes my mood tie, show Jesus to all I encounter this day..Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:04:26 +0000

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