Some people call Robin Williams selfish and that his mental - TopicsExpress


Some people call Robin Williams selfish and that his mental illness did not kill him. Instead they say he voluntarily killed himself. Yes, hes dead! Was he selfish? No. I am appalled when people say that Robin Williams took his own life because of his selfish motives when they dont know of his unfortunate situation. We need to be more sensitive and try to understand why this brilliant man left us. When the media spreads insensitive remarks, it only deepens the pain the Williams family and others who loved him. Although, people are entitled to have their opinions, yet they do NOT understand that depression is a mental illness and it is as real as having cancer. Cancer sufferers go through a lot of pain, and so it is when someone going through the pain of depression. When depressed people are in their deep, deep realm of darkness, they do not see anything in front of them. All they feel is the pain. It hurts so bad that some of them feel that suicide is the only solution to their pain. They are not thinking rationally. Instead of believing what the media says about Robin Williams and assumptions, lets find a way we can help people who suffer with depression. We can offer support to someone that we know. I hope that Robin Williams family will not hear any misunderstandings being passed on about him. They are grieving the loss of Robin WIlliams who is gone, but will be remembered for all the good that he has gone in the entertainment world. Robin Williams will remain with us forever. He filled our hearts with joy and laughter with his movies. Fly high, Robin Williams! You captured our hearts! You will never be forgotten!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:04:35 +0000

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