Some people have said this is a ridiculous comparison [presumably - TopicsExpress


Some people have said this is a ridiculous comparison [presumably because the only knowledge they have of the external world comes from TV and government controlled education amongst other sources of indoctrination] What you fail to realize however, is that this so called queen and her bloodline, amongst others that marry one another for political purposes, are responsible for millions and millions of innocent deaths throughout history, as well as major exploitation through colonization, the slave trade [including Irish slaves that propagated history never mentions] and imperialism. Who do you think had to sign off on all those major wars? Who do you think were the first to use concentration camps which claimed thousands of lives? Who do you think condoned the raping of India, Australia, Canada, Africa, Ireland and China amongst others? Some of this has been referred to historically as genocidal. Who do you think gave the British East India company its charter to run around the globe waging war? Who do you think originally caused the shit that is still being dealt with today in Southern Africa and South and North Sudan amongst other places? Did you know India was once one of the richest countries in the world until they were absolutely raped by the UK? Same goes for China until the UK smuggled huge amounts of opium into the country and then eventually outright invaded it and destroyed the country. The UK are in fact the first to ever claim title to major drug trafficking. HSBC bank was setup on opium money. Who do you think established the foundation for apartheid? Some people are then claiming that these crimes are in the past and should be forgotten or at least not placed on the shoulders of the present monarch which is not unreasonable to suggest. But what about the recent invasion of the middle East? People seem to have forgot that the UK was a part of that invasion and recently have even been accused of crimes against humanity. And who holds title to Commander in Chief of Her Majestys Armed Forces? Thats right, none other, than the so called queen. In Truth, her family have brought far more death and destruction to the planet than Kim Jong Un could ever even think of. Despite the cute little bullshit persona that TV feeds you about who this woman is, her and her family are criminals that are responsible for major crimes against humanity but nobody wants to talk about that and being as such, problems such as war will continue to abound in this world, because the true driving force behind war throughout history, as any half ass historian can tell you, is the ruling class and their unquenchable desire to expand their empire and power.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 02:07:57 +0000

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