Some really good letters: From a strata group: To: - TopicsExpress


Some really good letters: From a strata group: To: smartmeters@bchyro Subject: ANOTHER FORM!! BC Hydro and Power Authority October 23, 2013 ATTENTION GREG REIMER Dear Sir; RE: SMART METERS, On September 16th, 2013, all six Units covering 7 meters in our small complex wrote to you with signed letters attached. Why are we now getting additional letters asking us to again sign your form?? I am once again, attaching all of the forms and letters for your files. We are NOT signing any agreement for additional charges and will continue to fight you on this issue. Please cease and desist with harassing us to sign a letter agreeing to your exorbitant charges. Sent: October 23, 2013 9:32 AM To: commission.secretary@bcuc Subject: Smart Meter Re: meter # XXXXX This is in reply to your recent letter regarding my analog meter. I read with amusement your use of the word “ choices”. This is tantamount to extortion. I am a senior, who is still working & cannot afford any opt out fees. I am not signing or returning any form. Furthermore, I refuse to maintain payments of these monthly fees. If I, along with many others am subject to service disconnection, can you imagine the uproar? I have resisted having a smart meter put in because I have concerns about the effects on my health. I do not own a cell phone and use a landline. I am a two-time cancer survivor and try to eliminate any sources of radiation and electrical interference in my home - I turn off all my appliances when I am not using them for example. I do not want a device that is constantly sending electronic impulses from right outside my living room wall. I do not think that as citizens we should be forced by our formerly public utility to use a device that has been found to be unsafe in other jurisdictions. I now feel coerced and forced to accept this smart meter because as a senior on a fixed income, I cannot afford to pay the extra $35. a month that BC Hydro will charge me after December 1st if I do not comply. I hope that the BC Utilities commission will listen to the concerns of people like myself and stop this unnecessary forced changeover to the so-called Smart meter. My meter works fine thank you, it doesnt need to be changed. I am waiting until the very last minute to let BC Hydro know my decision. I do not want this meter and hope that you can do something to stop this infringement on my health and rights as a citizen. To: Commission.secretary@BCUC Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; msmyth@theprovince; [email protected]; greg.reimer@bchydro; [email protected]; [email protected]; bchydroregulatorygroup@bchydro; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Smart meter opt out fees To: Commission Secretary BCUC:EX Subject: Interim fee approval for BC Hydro smart meter opt outs Dear Commissioner, Re: bcuc/Documents/Proceedings/2013/DOC_36246_A-1_G-166-13_BCH-Meter-Choice-Program.pdf BC Hydro has evidently been authorized to charge $65 for a “failed installation” plus special fees for those refusing to have a smart meter. I have refused to have these low frequency radiation emitting devices on my home. I have notified BC Hydro I do not want a smart meter. I believe there is growing legitimate evidence these meters are a health risk, a risk to my privacy, and a risk to public safety. Other jurisdictions have not even found big economic benefits except to smart meter suppliers and installers. I believe the BC Hydro program of smart meter installations is fundamentally undemocratic and should not be forced on the citizens of British Columbia. In his letter re. “Meter Choices Program”, Mr. Reimer of BC Hydro’s Smart Meter Program, said people have until Dec. 1 to inform BC Hydro of their choice. I assume that means BC Hydro will not be charging me the $35.00 opt fee or any other fee such as failed installation until December. Even then, why would anyone who is on record as refusing a smart meter be charged a ‘failed installation fee’? I am very nervous that BC Hydro will try to coerce me into accepting a smart meter through devices such as exhorbitant fees. Other jurisdictions have much lower or no fees. How do I ensure I will be fairly treated by BC Hydro? Where do I go if I am not fairly treated? How can I protect my familys health, safety and privacy. October 23/2013 dear BC Hydro: Okay... let me get this straight... BC Hydro and the government wants British Columbians to accept the installation of an electromagnetic device in our homes in the name of “clean energy” when, in fact, nothing could be dirtier? If these new meters are such a smart idea , then why have you gone to such great lengths to suppress and discredit credible scientific sources who claim these devices could sterilize our children, promote the growth of cancers and cause general ill-health amongst those exposed to them? Is this a conspiracy to commit GENOCIDE? Because you are the only power company on the block, you think it is okay to bully those of us who are awake and wise to your sinister plot? If we want our families to be safe from the harmful effects of your meter we must pay a monthly fee? Isn’t that called EXTORTION? Furthermore... if we don’t pay your extortion fee you are threatening to cut off our electricity leaving us huddled in the dark, unable to heat our homes or cook food for our families? Are you all PSYCHOPATHS? The health concerns are reason enough to reject your insane scheme, but by accepting these devices we would also be surrendering our privacy for constant surveillance. If anyone reading this has also read George Orwell’s book, 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s, Brave New World then you should understand the danger and therefore I say shame on you for participating in the smart meter program. If you have not read these books then you should. These Globalist insiders revealed the plan to enslave mankind many years ago and you are now unwittingly helping them to achieve it. It is very discouraging to see the masses of sheeple that have blindly complied with this program or are directly working with BC Hydro and Corix to implement it. Not only are you aiding the evil architects of this genocide and bringing enslavement upon yourselves but you are dragging your own families and the rest of us down in your ignorance. And why? Because you went for the carrot they dangled in front of you? Big coin and a fat bonus for every meter installed? No matter what deceptive trick you have used to convince, coerce and bully us into suffering your discordant instruments? I wouldn’t want to be you, when the time comes to meet your maker and face the judgement of your actions in this life! I will NOT submit to your threats and bullying. I choose to opt out of your program and I will NOT pay your extortion fees. Instead my offer to you is this: I will keep my analog meter and I will phone in the meter reading myself so as to avoid any extra costs for you to send a meter reader to my property. Please contact me so that we may arrange a schedule for me to report the readings to you. To register for the class action or to donate to it: Check us out on FACEBOOK https://facebook/StopSmartMetersinBC Follow & Retweet us: https://twitter/StopSmrtMeterBC
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:11:46 +0000

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