Some thoughts the last few days, with redeployment of the IDF. I - TopicsExpress


Some thoughts the last few days, with redeployment of the IDF. I will try to organize the thoughts in groupings: Egypt I am impressed. The new government in Egypt took the bull by its horn and pulled together a cease fire that both sides are respecting. At 08:00 it came into effect, but just prior they sent Israel a nice gift of LOTS OF ROCKETS. One even fell in Bethlehem, injuring people. Bethlehem is in the PNA, in the West Bank. I guess they were aiming for Jerusalem and missed. Teams are being sent to Cairo to see how we can get to a non hostility environment. Apartheid This is the definition in wikipedia: Apartheid an Afrikaans word meaning the state of being apart, literally apart -hood) was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments, the ruling party from 1948 to 1994, under which the rights, associations, and movements of the majority black inhabitants were curtailed and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained......By extension, the term is nowadays currently used for every kind of segregation, established by the state authority in a country, against the social and civil rights of a certain group of citizens, due to ethnic prejudices. Now I am confused. No way in heck or heaven is there Apartheid in Israel. Israeli arabs enjoy full freedom; they serve in the armed forces, government, are judges, ambassadors, beauty queens, live where they want to,... Palestinians are not Israelis, and as such dont live in Israel but in the Palestinian Autonomy. If there is Apartheid, then maybe it is happening in Palestine, since Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian towns, own Palestinian companies or be palestinian citizens. Genocide If i was confused up until now. Now i am really confused. The definition for Genocide is: noun - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre If anyone is attempting Genocide, it is Hamas against Israel. The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Isnt that when shoot rockets and mortars into cities to try to kill, harm or maim? mass murder, mass homicide, massacre - people, if Israel wanted all of the Palestinians dead, they would be dead. Why send notices and warnings that are going to attack a specific structure or neighborhood? Why? And at the cost of endangering your soldiers. Why send food, medicines, fuel and whatever into Gaza if you want to kill them all? Why would Israel set a hospital to treat Palestinian wounded during the conflict or treat them in Israeli hospitals? What? To extend life in order to kill them? Come on now people. The Wall - thank G-d for the wall. It has stopped bombings and murders of innocent Israelis. Killing one ethic group, for being that ethnic group. GENOCIDE. By the way, there is no Israeli that does know someone killed or injured by terrorism. I do. I know of a family in Haida that lost the husband two teenagers. They were Jews eating at a restaurant when a terrorist came in a blew himself up. GENOCIDE Hamas - my only comment here - TERRORIST ORGANIZATION THAT ITS ONLY ROLE IN LIFE IS TO KILL JEWS AND DESTROY ISRAEL - GENOCIDE Strong Jew No one likes a strong Jew. Sorry guys. They call them Israeli now a days. If people were so concerned about the innocents, why are they not screaming and shouting about Iraq and Syria. There people are belling killed the thousands. Is it pro-humanity or Anti-Israeli. The jury is still out, but i know how i am voting. Iron dome Thank G-d that Israel is clever enough to create the Iron Dome. Where would Israel be without. Probably looking like Gaza. Hamas had serious intentions of trying to destroy Israel and kill its citizens for being Jewish. Did I already say GENOCIDE? Israel is out of Gaza. The army redeployed to around Gaza. Some soldiers released others waiting patiently. Was it worth it. I say yes. Israel discovered the tunnel threat to be more dangerous than the rockets. They intended something big and nasty for September. BIG AND NASTY - GENOCIDE. Most if not all of the tunnels have neutralized. The rockets supply has been serious reduced and they cant import anymore. hopefully the next round wont be for a very long time if at all. On another note. Family is well. Youngest son is safe. Grandson Enjoying his parents. Alls well.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:40:41 +0000

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