Somehow I acquired a sense of humor, I have a sister that is - TopicsExpress


Somehow I acquired a sense of humor, I have a sister that is hilarious and my mother was kind of cute too. Maybe I assumed it from the two, who knows. All six kids in a house with no TV nor any other kind of entertainment but with each other is probably how my perception of funny came about. My sister that is just two years older than me was loads of fun, when she was not beating on me! She used to catch my oldest sister reading and take a big thick heavy hard back book and jam her toes while they were facing upwards…. The fight was on! She also had a trumpet that she was suppose to be learning to play; she would blow it in our ear if she found one of us asleep. She also had a turn at cooking because us three oldest girls rotated nights of cooking; she would chase us down with a hot pot asking if it was hot!!! She bought her first vehicle which was a nice truck; she would sneak off to the drive thru movies and take the youngest two siblings with her. Wasn’t that sweet…yeah well, she made them ride in the back which had a snap on cover over the bed of the truck…she would only unsnap one corner for ventilation. She did not want to have to pay for them to get in to see the movie. Poor kids would be dripping with sweat and needing water. Before she bought her own vehicle daddy bought a huge car from an older lady, when he brought it home it still had homemade stuffed poodle dogs in the back glass. This car was a monster; it had the lights on the hood, as well as on the raised back and front fenders…she called it the bat mobile. She drove us in it every morning to the bus stop which was about two miles from the house. One morning we didn’t make to in time and had to drive on to school in that thing…we drove up in the parking lot with not one of us visible…we were all slumped down in the seat trying to hide. That car was lots of laughs. She loved to find a mud hole and splash people that were walking…that’s what comes from kids with nothing else to do. We couldn’t play ball, run track, or play any sports because they were sinful (still haven’t found that in the Bible)…everything was a sin. How things could have been different had we been able to utilize our energy in other areas. Phone pranks were my thing but we not going to talk about any of that…statute of limitation might not have ran out on prank phone calls.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:00:52 +0000

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