Someone, You know you are living today and doing things that you - TopicsExpress


Someone, You know you are living today and doing things that you know do not please God. They dont please your parents. As you know you werent raised this way. You know what youre doing and the way you are living is against what the Word of God says. Its really making you very unhappy and you know that youre walking in disobedience. And you have already learned that its a sure road to disaster. you have gotten yourself in so deep that only God can get you out now. Listen, I want you to know that regardless of what your disobedience has been, whether its been disobedience with regard to the law of the land, or disobedience with regard to your own purity, or perhaps disobedience with regard to yourself, whatever the disobedience has been, God still loves you in the midst of all of your disobedience. When the prodigal took his life in his own hands, everything went downhill from then on. Are you finding that to be true in your own life today? You dont want to do what God asks you to do. You dont want to live according to His Word. You know what the Bible says about immorality but you dont care. You know what the Bible says about cheating or stealing—you dont care. You want to take matters into your own hands. And you are verbally, mentally, emotionally, purposefully, being disobedient to God. You may be living as far from God today as youve ever been in your life. You may have had godly parents who have tried to do the right thing by you and teach you what right is, and you just said that I dont want to have anything to do with that anymore. And now youre living as far from God and from the Lord Jesus as you can get. Look, God is not pleased with where you are. God wasnt pleased with Jonah when he decided to take matters into his own hands. But it didnt stop God from loving him and doing something to bring Jonah back to Him. You will never come back to God, you will never come back to the truth of His Word, Beloved, until you believe that even though youve been disobedient, God still loves you. Come home! God is standing with his arms open wide! Come Home where you belong.....God has not forgotten you and He still loves you the same!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:59:55 +0000

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