Something about traveling to Costa Rica recently and witnessing - TopicsExpress


Something about traveling to Costa Rica recently and witnessing climate change impacts in the ocean and the drought that was happening in the rainy season, as well as traveling to Belize at the urging of my father several years ago because he feared that in my lifetime the great blue hole reef may disappear, and studying the global Drought and heat Patterns of grape Growing regions the last several years and conferring with Richard Smart and learning about His predictions on grape vine diseases - warning of the consequent dangers of vine infestation as temperatures rise, particularly in the case of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, vector of Pierces Disease, etc Higher temperatures causing insects to be able to survive winters and move further. That Hyalestes Obsoletus has recently been found in German vines. That he has stated that following the Earths changes, China is set to come to prominence as a grape grower, and our persistent California drought- I ponder and invite all of my wine loving friends and colleagues to watch this program and with me ponder the possibility of what if this is all correct and what if we can actually do something different to Help
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 06:19:26 +0000

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