Sometimes I struggle with getting on Facebook and seeing seemingly - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I struggle with getting on Facebook and seeing seemingly perfect moms, with perfect hair, perfect kids, perfect houses, and perfectly landscaped yards. Does anyone else feel that way sometimes? I know that comparison is the thief of joy, but I still catch myself doing it often. So if any of you are struggling with this today too....let me give you a glimpse into my morning: My four year old is watching Paw Patrol (after watching two episodes of Dora) which makes me feel really guilty for putting him in front of the tv but I had to do it while I was on a conference call just now where I couldnt have kids in the background, I have dishes in my sink from Tuesdays dinner and smashed strawberries on the floor around the high chair that have dried up and stuck to the floor. Both my kids slept in their clothes last night, not pajamas, and Im on my fourth cup of coffee for the day. I have an office full of unopened Scentsy boxes with product that needs sorted, my gmail has 21,275 unread emails, and the tax documents Im supposed to get organized are sitting in a pile with a stack of diapers, Old Maid cards, and Berenstein Bear books. My valentines day decorations are still up on my entry way table, oh, and Im wearing the same tank I wore Tuesday and Wednesday, which also means I havent showered since Tuesday either. lol, does that make you feel any better? Oh yeah, and laundry......I have clean laundry that is on my floor that I have folded twice, put in piles on my bed, then never put away so it got pushed on the floor and the piles all ruined, so I folded them again and they got pushed off again. Lol....its been there probably a week so now we are just picking through what used to be piles that are now over my bedroom floor. So there you go. Im mommy shaming myself. I am nowhere close to the perfect mom and its ok. Let me know in the comments if you feel like this sometimes too. We can be in this together!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:39:47 +0000

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