Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to work in the service - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to work in the service industry 30, 40 or even 50 years ago...when there might not have been this expectation of perfection & people were generally i believe more polite. They realized that mistakes happen as part of every day life... that often the situation is maybe not your fault, that it is out of your hands or control. People understood that.. and instead of flying off the handle and often giving abuse, expecting discounts & free stuff with the threat of bad reviews on the internet or complaints to higher staff if their every whim was not catered to. They either took their custom elsewhere or let the problem be rectified as best as it could and a profound apology made and accepted. Working in the service industry you regularly come across incidents where people did not know what they wanted, did not do their research, did not ask questions or asked for the wrong thing to begin with and finally the end result is the said person- unhappy and demanding it be sorted. If for instance you work in a bar you will at some stage have dealt with an unhappy customer because you have ran out of their favourite beveradge, or maybe it was not made the way they prefer or think it should be after its been poured. The customer has given you a drinks order and suddenly, by the time youve made it theyve changed their mind, given you the wrong order or dont want to pay for it all. You will have been given abuse for doing your job, possibly for staying within the limits set by the law. You will have been scammed for free drink or they have deliberately given you a small note and argued they gave you a different one and that their change is wrong for so long you had to give in and pay out. I could make a list as long as my arm for my current hospitality job but i really dont want to... I long for the days when it wasnt always the customer is always right and service with a smile, because what really ruins the job and leaves the lasting impression of the hospitality trade is dealing with the bad in the bunch, the minority, the selfish people with little or no respect or manners... when often their grievance has nothing to do with you, it is not your problem or was not your fault and it regularly lies with them.... but you cant say that. I hate peoples attitude these days.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:46:06 +0000

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