Sometimes I wonder why me? As I was leaving a residential area - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I wonder why me? As I was leaving a residential area of long beach earlier today after picking up dog food for the stray, street and homeless dogs, I was waiting for the light to turn green onto Atlantic Ave from a residential street, while stopped at the light I witnessed the man below outside this apartment building that had a golden retriever on a leash and there was also a white poodle off leash that at first I thought was a stray that was approaching this man and his leashed golden retriever. I saw the poodle run up to the man twice then turn and run almost to the street corner on the third time back, the poodle went up to the man and was wagging his tail and the man bent over and hit the poodle with an open hand with enough force to knock the poodle down. I put my emergency flashers on as I waiting to turn at the stoplight, jumped out of my car and ran up the corner to the sidewalk approached the man and I said excuse me is that your dog? He didnt say anything and I asked him one more time excuse me is that your dog? He looked at me and nodded his head, meantime the light turns green, my emergency flashers are on people behind me are honking, after acknowledging that was his dog, I said, I saw you hit your dog, his face turned to stone and I said once again I saw you hit your dog, is there there a reason you hit your dog? He proceeded to open the gate to the apartment building and go in, I ran to my car turned at the light, parked, grabbed my phone and ran back to the courtyard of the apartment building, there were 2 neighbors standing outside in the courtyard and they asked me what was going on, at this time the man was entering the front door to the apartment, I asked the 2 neighbors if they ever saw the man hit the poodle? the 2 neighbors actually seemed surprised and said no, that a lady and her son that was about 18-20 lived there and they walked the poodle every day, they never saw or witnessed the poodle being hit and they didnt even know who that man was, I gave each one of the neighbors my business card and said of they ever saw anything call me. I then went to the door of the apartment I took a picture of the man entering into and rang the doorbell, after a few minutes the son that was about 18-20 answered the door and I asked if his mom was available so I could talk to her? The son stated his mom was not currently home, I asked the son if the white poodle was their dog and he said yes, I then told the son that I saw the dog being hit by the man that entered this apartment, the son seemed shocked and told me the man was his moms boyfriend and the son was not aware of what happened. I told the son, I didnt call the police because when I spoke with both neighbors they said that the son or the mom as far as they knew took good care of the dog and walked the dog every day, the neighbors isnt know who the man was? I told the son that he needed to tell his mom what happened and let her know what the boyfriend did was not OK, he said he would and I gave the son my business card and asked him to please have his mom call me.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:59:35 +0000

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