Sometimes diplomacy is merely for show, is moot, solves nothing. - TopicsExpress


Sometimes diplomacy is merely for show, is moot, solves nothing. I sit and watch what happened to the people working for the satirical publication in France and how simply because of their conviction in free expression and speech they were slaughtered and Im glad I live in a country that so overwhelmingly supports its second amendment rights. I fear that the entire population of man is either failing to grasp the gravity of the radicalized Islamic problem or doesnt want to face it out of fear, or worse yet, out of some sick sense of political correctness. This threat is as horrible AND real as Nazi fascism was to free democracy in the late 1930s. This is no aberration, this threat is evil made manifest as were the Nazis. Would history be different if all of Europe and the West had taken Germany more seriously as Ernst Rhoms brown shirted thugs evolved into the black uniformed, deaths head garbed jack booted SS? The answer is rhetorical. All of mankind now finds itself being pushed down that same historical tangent albeit in a much more surreal but equally if not grossly more evil direction. I see it because I have my eyes open and I know its not going away until all of mankind decides to also see it for what it is and confront its deadly menace face to face with the only thing that can pull it up by the roots and destroy it completely and that is the unity of civilized mankind against it. Winston Churchill recognized the same evil early on and rallied civilized men to do what was required and act against it. Every free press in every democratic country on the face of this earth should be preparing a graphical depiction of Mohammad right now to grace the front page of their publications. The depiction of Mohammad should portray him as an ugly rabid beast, a terrorist standing atop a pile of corpses and bloody carnage, next to him the ISIS flag flying at the pinnacle. Underneath should read : Is this what Islam stands for? Every publication should do the graphic as they see fit but that each individual version is as ugly and compelling as the next is the key. I conclude my thoughts and opinion with this clip from the movie Apocalypse Now to drive home my point that this cancer cannot remain unchecked.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:11:15 +0000

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