Sometimes hell forget what he was thinking and begin to rummage in - TopicsExpress


Sometimes hell forget what he was thinking and begin to rummage in the darkness of his mind knocking things over. Groping in the darkness searching for the forgotten hell stumble upon ideas sitting out of place, perhaps leftovers from a previous fit of forgetfulness. Then hell begin to ponder on the found only to have the recently forgotten swagger in like some silly student coming late into a lecture already in full gear. On rare lucky days however the intruder arrives with a to/u/r/ch of blazing epiphany shinning brightness into dark alleyways. But there are also days when it tags along another fit of forgetfulness prompting him to storm out leaving his mind even more clustered and litered with more out of place items. He thinks he should see a shrink but his appointments too become like tumbled furniture sitting out of place in his mind, forgotten. Do madmen know they are mad? This is his only hope. -for Layo.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 15:16:09 +0000

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