Sometimes the things we encounter in life can cause us to be so - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the things we encounter in life can cause us to be so overwhelmed and burdened down that we begin to fall into deep sadness or depression. A devastating situation... a particular circumstance... or sometimes, even people in general can beat us down, so much to a point that we begin to forget how to live in happiness. Throughout life we will encounter situations and people that are unpleasant and that we dont have any control over. The world will forever be filled with the good, but there is also the bad that we simply cannot escape! Whenever you SEEK GOD to get through the difficult and trying times in your life, His Gift of Joy and Peace will also fill your life and help you to overcome. As impossible as it may sound, Gods Joy is a very powerful blessing that can miraculously help you make it through the most devastating storms in your life. By all means, do not isolate yourself, but if youre looking for Gods Joy and Peace solely through other people or things, you wont find it. Gods Peace is one that simply cannot be explained. Its a mystery to be able to understand how one person is falling to pieces in a situation, and another is unusually calm in the same or even greater situation... as if it doesnt affect them at all. Others will look in wonder as to how you are able to stand strong in such high winds and sometimes even floods brought on by your storms. The PEACE OF GOD allows you to be cool, calm and collect THROUGH ANYTHING! When you put your trust in God for your problems or the things you have no control over, you can be standing in the midst of chaos and you will find that Gods peace WILL REMAIN with you. Whenever you are faced with the challenges of the world, try to remember that you have the ability to overcome simply by utilizing a remarkable and unexplainable Gift from God.... A Gift called PEACE! The world didnt give it to you, and the world simply just cannot take it away!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:31:06 +0000

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