Sonias life can be divided into four phases. The first phase was - TopicsExpress


Sonias life can be divided into four phases. The first phase was an era of matrimonial bliss, love, enjoyment and apprenticeship under a world famous mother-in-law. Sonia walked demurely in the light of fortune. That ended on 31 October 1984, the day Indira Gandhi was assassinated. The second phase lasted a short seven years. The Congress Working Committee passed a resolution electing Rajiv to succeed his mother. Sonia fought like a tigress to prevent him from becoming Prime Minister--she feared that he, too, would be killed. But Rajiv had a duty to perform; personal considerations were irrelevant. Sonias carefree days had ended. She became the First Lady , accompanying her husband on his official visits the world over. No longer could Rajiv and Sonia see life from afar; they were the centre of the turbulent drama of politics. Sonia at the time appeared aloof, but was deeply involved. In the earlier days, she was ill at ease with strangers and said little. One seldom witnessed her having an animated conversation with any Head of State. This phase was too good to last. Implacable fate felled Rajiv Gandhi. On 21 May 1991, the scenery collapsed when Rajiv was killed at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu. The spring went out of Sonias life. Uneasy ties with Rao Phase three lasted from 1991 to 1998. Sonia lived in seclusion, keeping the memory of Rajiv alive. Attempts to persuade her to join politics were rejected... Sonia had made PV Narasimha Rao Prime Minister. But she wasnt very fond of him. I, too, had fallen out with him and joined the Tiwari Congress, but we later made up. In December 1994, when my relations with him had been repaired, he asked me to see him at his house, 5 Race Course Road. He seemed uncharacteristically agitated and restless. He said, I can take on Sonia Gandhi. But I do not want to do so. Some of her advisers have been filling her ears against me. I dont take them seriously . Sonias case is different. Her attitude towards me is affecting my health. If she wants me to go, she only has to say so. I have done my best to meet all her desires and requirements promptly. You worked closely with her and must know and should know why Sonia is so hostile to me.... One thing I did know was that she was upset that the trial of Rajiv Gandhis assassins was moving at a very slow pace. PVs reply was that he had sent P Chidambaram to her with the necessary papers. He had also sent home minister SB Chavan to brief her on the latest position of the case. Finally , he said, that he himself had gone with the necessary files and explained to Ms Gandhi the legal difficulties in hastening the trial. According to him, she had listened and said nothing. He continued his tale of woe. You know, I go out of my way to be polite to her. We do whatever she wishes. She never telephones me. One day , after the meeting of the Nehru Fund Trustees, I suggested to her that I would have a RAX phone installed at No. 10 so that she could call me whenever she wished to. She agreed. An hour later, she sent a message that she did not want the RAX. It was like a slap on my face. I suggested that he contact Mohammad Yunus, who was constantly in touch with Sonia. A few days later, P .V . arrived at Yunuss house after 9 pm without any fanfare or police escort. It was a clandestine rendezvous at which I was also present. That P V agreed to such a meeting was in itself a clear indication of how keen he was for a patch-up with Sonia. But it did not happen. It is possible that Yunuss intervention irked Sonia. Speech problems The fourth phase of Sonias life began on 14 March 1998, when she formally took over as Congress President at a specially called meeting of the AICC at Siri Fort, New Delhi. She was neither a communicator nor an orator; both indispensable skills for any frontline politician. Preparing her maiden speech took several agonizing hours. She arrived at Siri Fort accompanied by Priyanka, then sent for me and asked me to sit next to her. Jairam Ramesh too was sent for, to fine-tune the speech. But Sonia successfully crossed the first hurdle in spite of her nervousness. I remember how each of Sonias speeches was an exercise that would take six to eight hours. Sometimes, these agonizing speech sessions lasted till midnight. There were occasions when she and I would be alone, working on them. She would read the speech aloud, I would time it. It would then be translated into Hindi. The Hindi version would then be transliterated into English and printed out in bold letters. This situation did not last long. Her English is near perfect; Hindi is the problem -she cannot speak the language without a written script in front of her. To my suggestion to her that she learn by heart a chaupai or two of Tulsidass or Kabirs dohas and use them in her speeches, she threw her hands up. I go blank even with a written text. You want me to say something extempore? Forget it. Many senior Congressmen sent suggestions and drafts for her speeches; seldom were these used. Jairam Ramesh became a regular presence at the marathon speech sessions. Being a wizard with the computer, he was useful. He is good company . His brain is razor sharp but his wit occasionally got him into trouble. At times I was the target of his wit. Sonia used to enjoy my discomfiture. By now I was meeting Sonia frequently.... Up close and personal My growing proximity to Sonia could not go unnoticed. I was at 10 Janpath almost every day. I was seen as one of her closest confidants and some well-wishers pumped me, saying, You are the best troubleshooter she has. My reply was: Nonsense. The political discussions between Sonia and I were exclusive, serious and to the point. Our informal chat sessions, though, were a delight. On returning from one of my trips abroad, I missed you, were her opening words. Sonia was becoming less diffident in public, but still had a long way to go. In a male-dominated society , she could never relax. Even in the Working Committee meetings, she was taut, and spoke very little. Two mistakes In 1998, Sonia decided that the time had come for her to be in the Lok Sabha. She was elected with a huge majority from Amethi, the family borough. She naturally became President of the Congress Parliamentary Party. However, in the Lok Sabha, she did not speak even once in her first term. After becoming Congress president, Sonia made two mistakes. I was confined to bed with viral fever when I received a call from Gopalkrishna Gandhi, the level-headed secretary to President K R Narayanan. He asked me to meet Sonia to request her to support Jyoti Basu as Prime Minister of a secular government. It was a sensible suggestion. I went to 10 Janpath to convey this to her. On entering her study-cum-conference room, I saw that Pranab Mukherjee, Arjun Singh and M.L. Fotedar were with her. After I said my piece, I found all three of them were opposed to Jyoti Basu -and Sonia was tending towards their point of view -whereas I felt that Jyoti Basu would be an improvement on his two predecessors. The problem was finally solved by his party as the politburo of the CPM did not permit him to seek prime ministership. They later regretted this blunder. The second misjudgement occurred in the last week of April 1999. Hectic political activity was taking place as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the leader of the National Democratic Alliance, was unable to form a government. The Congress, with the support of other opposition parties, staked its claim to form the government. Sonia met President Narayanan at the behest of Arjun Singh and others, telling him that she had the support of 272 MPs. Narayanan gave her two days to prove her majority . Mulayam Singh Yadav, who had earlier offered support, pulled the rug out from under the Congresss feet by doing an about turn. The Lok Sabha was dissolved on 26 April 1999. Sonia was more than embarrassed. She was a novice at the time, yet to discover that politics was a blood sport. Any other Congress leader would have been shown the door for such a gaffe. No to the crown In 2004, the NDA, led by Atal Bihari Vajpeyee, lost the Lok Sabha elections... Sonia and the leaders of several non-NDA parties put together the United Progressive Alliance with Sonia as chairperson. The expectation was that Sonia would occupy 7 Race Course Road as Prime Minister. The Gandhi family , however, was a house divided. Rahul was vehemently opposed to his mother becoming Prime Minister, fearing that she would lose her life, much like his grandmother and his father. Matters reached a climax after Rahul said that he was prepared to take any possible step to prevent his mother from taking up the prime ministership. Rahul is a strong-willed person; this was no ordinary threat. He gave Sonia twentyfour hours to decide. Manmohan Singh, Suman Dubey, Priyanka and I were present at that moment. Sonia was visibly agonized and in tears. As a mother, it was impossible for her to ignore Rahul. He had his way . That was the reason for her not becoming Prime Minister. Only Manmohan Singh and I were aware of Sonias decision. Later, she called a meeting in which she announced that she was offering the post of PM to Manmohan Singh. Once, I pulled Sonias leg on this, telling her that only two people in history had refused the crown, both Italians by birth. Who is the other? she asked. Julius Caesar, I replied. Sonias public image is not flattering. To an extent, she has herself to blame for it. She never lets her guard down, never gives away what is in her mind. Obsessively secretive and suspicious, she evokes awe, not admiration. Her remarkable life reminds one of a Greek tragedy enacted on a vast Indian stage. She is every biographers dream. And while several have taken a shot at telling her tale, their efforts have been found lacking. In their books, substance and style are absent, as are analysis and understanding. From the day she set foot on Indian soil she has been treated like royalty; she has behaved like a prima donna. Over the years she has evolved from being a diffident, nervous, shy woman to an ambitious, authoritarian and stern leader. Her displeasure strikes fear among Congressmen. No one has been Congress President for fifteen years. Her hold on the Congress Party is total; firmer and more durable than even that of Jawaharlal Nehru. Under her, dissent is smothered, free discussion fenced in. Silence is used as a weapon and every subtle gesture is a message, an icy stare a warning. Even opposition parties handle her with kid gloves (this is now rapidly changing). She is never blamed or criticized for failures and defeats of the party . Soniaji can do no wrong, chant the battalions of cacophonous sycophants. From her privileged perch, she reigns and rules. Favours are granted piecemeal, lesemajeste is given short shrift. Beneath all that posturing an ordinary and insecure person emerges. Her capriciousness is lauded. A fine-tuned personality cult is promoted. Politics has coarsened her. Excerpted from One Life is not Enough with permission from Rupa Publications Post a comment
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 05:20:30 +0000

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