Sooo Hailey gave me 35 and Olivia gave me 16 so I have to do 51 - TopicsExpress


Sooo Hailey gave me 35 and Olivia gave me 16 so I have to do 51 facts :p 1. Jacquie and Savannah are my go-to people when I need to vent. 2. I work at Pizza Hut. 3.Ill be in Germany when I turn 17 and Im super excited :) 4.I have four dogs and two cats. 5. I spend more time with my band family than with my real one. 6. Ive gotten really close to Savannah, Andrew, and Hailey this year and I love all of them c: 7. Sarah is a shep and I need to see her soon. 8. I play flute, piccolo, and bass clarinet and I want to learn piano. 9. I love Frank. A lot. 10. Andrew hated me until this year, or at least I thought so. 11. Ive never seen Forrest Gump. 12. I own all the Harry Potter books but Ive read about 3 pages total. 13. I love music and I listen to so many different kinds. 14. John Green has made me cry more than once and thats pretty impressive. 15. Collin needs to queef out dat egg ;) 16. Im excited for spring musical yay 17. Im going to college for social work and Im down to a few schools. 18. My hobbies include baking at 4am with Jacquie. 19. Most people call me Moggen and its pretty much the only thing I respond to now 20. I dyed my hair yesterday and about 30 people will ask me if I dyed it when I go to school tomorrow. 21. I love to sing but Im not great at it. 22. Olivia and Amanda are my favorite schnigs. 23. My lunch table vanished from the cafeteria like 2 weeks ago. 24. My favorite musical is Hairspray. 25. I miss Christine Zopf terribly. 26. I love reading and writing and English in general. 27. I have awkwardly small hands oops 28. I actually like having curly hair even though I complain about it all the time. 29. I will only use the bathroom in the band hallway at school no matter what. 30. The Fault in our Stars is coming to theatres on June 6 and Im going even if nobody wants to go cry with me 31. Im in a gang. 32. Just kidding. 33. No Im not. Bird Girls forever. 34. I once had a sleepover with Mary Pritchett. 35. I dont have a favorite color, but I always say its purple because its easier than saying i dont have one. 36. I talk to myself a lot. 37. This is taking a long time. 38. I had to count on my fingers to add 35+16 so I knew how many facts to do. 39. I paint my nails like every other day because I always pick the polish off right away and I hate looking at chipped nail polish :p 40. I have a small collection of coffee mugs. 41. Over the years, Ive acquired over 70 Webkinz and I dont even remember my username. 42. ^If I remembered my username Id probably still play occasionally. 43. I doubt anyones still reading these because Im pretty boring. 44.I dont like mushrooms, but honestly that might be the only common food item I wont eat. 45. I have my own car and her name is Heidi. :) 46. I keep the tv in my room on Disney Channel all the time. 47. My favorite holiday is Christmas but only because Black Friday isnt technically a holiday. 48. Ive never seen an episode of the Walking Dead or pretty much any show because I dont have time for tv. 49. Im almost done yay 50. Now Im even closer to done 51. Done. Like this and Ill give you a number I guess :)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:06:41 +0000

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